Gate Setting Sun %100
Mogushan Palace %100
Shadopan Monastery %100
Siege Niuzao Temple %100
Stormstout Brewery %100
Temple of Jade Serpent %90
Mogushan Vault %90
World Bosses
Chi Ji %100
Galion %100
Nalak %100
Ordos %100
Sha of anger %100
Yulon %100
Panda Starting Zone %100
Dread wastes %100
Jade Forest %100
Krasarang wilds %100
Kun lai Summit %100
Townlong steppes %100
Vale of eternal blossoms %100
valley of the four winds %100

Pricing and How Things Work
- Database & Core Fee - $125
- Payment System - Paypal (Credit Card and or Debit Card)
there is a absolute no refund policy
Help with installation of the core and database is given to all whom purchase
Maps,Vmaps,DBC, and 548 Client is given to all whom purchase
Contact us via skype!