- 916
- 2015
- 24
- Location
- Barryton Michigan USA
I ran a couple of complex queries that identify quests that have no quest starter, And/Or no quest ender.
This includes quests started and ended by npc's, gameobjects, And items.
Once i had a list for starters, and enders. I spent two days online searching every single quest on those lists to see if they were actually abandoned quests, Or merely forgotten by the database developers. It became apparent very quickly that the database developers are using a website parser for wowhead to obtain their data.
One very noticeable problem is that every quest that is automatically completed, Or started by the server has no start or end entry listed. This is incorrect. The reason it's wrong is because a lot of those same quests can also be taken at npc's or gameobjects, Or turned in the same way.
So i compared wowhead to about five other sites, And also read every comment on every quest on my lists. This was very useful because it showed the version of the game that people were playing, And how they started or ended the quest in most cases.
So using all of this information I removed all quests that actually were started or ended by the server, Or abandoned quests in 4.3.4. And only kept the ones that were started with npc's, items, Or gameobjects.
These are the results.
Quests with no quest starters
Quests without quest enders
Item quest starters
Gameobject quest starters
Npc quest starters
Npc quest enders
Gameobject quest enders
If you find any of this data to be incorrect, Feel free to change it.
This includes quests started and ended by npc's, gameobjects, And items.
Once i had a list for starters, and enders. I spent two days online searching every single quest on those lists to see if they were actually abandoned quests, Or merely forgotten by the database developers. It became apparent very quickly that the database developers are using a website parser for wowhead to obtain their data.
One very noticeable problem is that every quest that is automatically completed, Or started by the server has no start or end entry listed. This is incorrect. The reason it's wrong is because a lot of those same quests can also be taken at npc's or gameobjects, Or turned in the same way.
So i compared wowhead to about five other sites, And also read every comment on every quest on my lists. This was very useful because it showed the version of the game that people were playing, And how they started or ended the quest in most cases.
So using all of this information I removed all quests that actually were started or ended by the server, Or abandoned quests in 4.3.4. And only kept the ones that were started with npc's, items, Or gameobjects.
These are the results.
Quests with no quest starters
"id" "title"
"25707" "The Future of the Rockpool" 41402 41454 abandoned bloodwash crate
"8765" "The Changing of Paths - Invoker No More" Anachronos 15192
"8766" "The Changing of Paths - Conqueror No More" Anachronos 15192
"10708" "Akama's Promise" akama 21700
"10888" "Trial of the Naaru: Magtheridon" A'dal 18481
"10972" "Ethereum Prisoner I.D. Catalogue" commander ameer 20448
"11072" "Adversarial Blood" 23306 Hazzik at blackwing landing
"11074" "Tokens of the Descendants" 23306 Hazzik at blackwing landing
"11135" "The Headless Horseman"started by the hallow's end matron 23973 One time only
"11220" "The Headless Horseman"started by the hallow's end matron 23973 one time only.
"11392" "Call the Headless Horseman" 186267 Daily
"11401" "Call the Headless Horseman" 186267 Daily
"11404" "Call the Headless Horseman"186267 Daily
"11405" "Call the Headless Horseman"186267 Daily
"11496" "The Sanctum Wards" 24967 Captain Theris Dawnhearth at the Shattered Sun Staging Area
"11513" "Intercepting the Mana Cells" 24932 Exarch Nasuun on the Terrace of Light in Shattrath City. Not removed just broken on retail.
"11517" "Report to Nasuun" 25034 Tradesman Portanuus
"11520" "Discovering Your Roots" 24975 Mar'nah at Sun's Reach Harbor
"11524" "Erratic Behavior" 24965 Vindicator Xayanna at the Shattered Sun Staging Area
"11528" "A Winter Veil Gift" winter veil gift 187236
"11532" "Distraction at the Dead Scar" 25057 Battlemage Arynna
"11535" "Making Ready" 25046 Smith Hauthaa in Sun's Reach Armory
"11538" "The Battle for the Sun's Reach Armory" 25061 Harbinger Inuuro
"11539" "Taking the Harbor" 25069 Magister Ilastar at Sun's Reach Armory
"11542" "Intercept the Reinforcements" 25108 Vindicator Kaalan at the Sun's Reach Armory
"11545" "A Charitable Donation" 25112 Anchorite Ayuri at Sun's Reach in Sunwell Isle
"11550" "Enter, the Deceiver..." General Tiras'alan 25167
"11691" "Summon Ahune" 25697 Luma or the 187882
"11696" "Ahune is Here!" 25710 Numa Cloudsister. She is just inside the entrance to the Slave Pens.
"11867" "Can't Get Ear-nough..." 25809 Arch Druid Lathorius at the D.E.H.T.A. Outpost in the Borean Tundra
"11955" "Ahune, the Frost Lord" 26221 Earthen Ring Elder
"13203" "A Winter Veil Gift" 187236
"13374" "Amped for Revolt!" 32430 Fringe Engineer Tezzla
"13381" "Watts My Target" 32444 Kibli Killohertz
"13417" "The Brothers Bronzebeard" Brann Bronzebeard 30107
"13429" "A Distraction for Akama" xi'ri 18528
"13629" "Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings" archivum console 194555
"13661" "Heartfelt Appreciation" 1153 Torren Squarejaw in Thelsamar.
"13799" "Where Are My Keys?" 33801 Dr. Fingers
"13800" "Get My Keys!"33801 Dr. Fingers The two quests from dr fingers are debatable, some gm's said he's in game hidden, others said he's not. Script spawned?
"13827" "Treasure!" decayed treasure map 45863 from fishing
"13878" "Through Fire and Flames" dorak 34284
"13966" "A Winter Veil Gift" winter veil gift 187236
"14001" "Goblin Escape Pods" geargrinder gizmo 36600
"14196" "Firestarter" ancient vortex runestone 195445
"14270" "The Keystone Shard" naga power stone 195642
"14271" "Report to Twocrush"naga power stone 195642
"14333" "While You're Here" broken relic 196393 object
"14446" "Cataclysm!" 36674 Nambria
"14447" "Takes One to Know One" 30824 Sky-Reaver Korm
"14448" "Takes One to Know One" 30824 Sky-Reaver Korm
"14481" "Into The Abyss" 36674 Nambria
"24503" "Fourth and Goal" coach crosscheck 37106
"24568" "To the Walls!" naralax 37570
"24596" "The Purification of Quel'Delar" halduron brightwing 37527
"24702" "Here Lies Dadanga" dadanga's grave 202135
"24792" "Man on the Inside" inspector snip snagglebolt 38066
"24793" "Man on the Inside" Detective Snap Snagglebolt. 37172
"24798" "A Victory For The Sunreavers" myralion sunblaze 36642
"25179" "Loss Reduction" 39270 injured orcs on the beach
"26138" "Ferilon Leafborn" prospector whelgar 41411
"26379" "In Aid of the Refugees" 32912 Sentinel Lendra at Lor'danel
"26398" "Walk With The Earth Mother" 36648 Baine Bloodhoof
"26412" "The Mosh'Ogg Bounty" skeezy whillzap 42814
"26415" "Questflag for Captain's Log" quartz stonetender 42899
"26712" "Off to the Bank" candy cane 35053
"27861" "The Crucible of Carnage: The Bloodeye Bruiser!" gurgthok 46935
"27862" "The Crucible of Carnage: The Bloodeye Bruiser!" gurgthok 46935
"28064" "Welcome to the Brotherhood" 47393 Mountain Lord Rendan
"28326" "Placing the Pawns" acride 48292
"28449" "Placing the Pawns" acride 48292
"28516" "Centuries of Suffering" 10920 Kelek Skykeeper of the Emerald Circle
"28790" "A Personal Summons" warchief's command board 206109
"28879" "Back To The Orphanage" oracle orphan 33533
"28880" "Back To The Orphanage" wolvar orphan 33532
"29093" "Cruisin' the Chasm" human orphan 14305
"29106" "The Biggest Diamond Ever!" human orphan 14305
"29107" "Malfurion Has Returned!" human orphan 14305
"29117" "Let's Go Fly a Kite" human orphan 14305
"29119" "You Scream, I Scream..." human orphan 14305
"29157" "The Zandalari Menace" warchief's command board 206109 206116 207323 207324
"29168" "Secondary Targets" bloodslayer t'ara 53023
"29169" "The Beasts Within" bloodslayer t'ara 53023
"29174" "Break Their Spirits" bloodslayer t'ara 53023
"29180" "Promises, Promises..." budd 23559
"29184" "X Marks... Your Doom!" budd 23559
"29187" "Tuskin' Raiders" prigmon 23761
"29188" "A Troll Among Trolls" prigmon 23761
"29190" "Let's Go Fly a Kite" orcish orphan 14444
"29191" "You Scream, I Scream..." orcish orphan 14444
"29311" "The Rest is History" rabine saturna 11801
"29388" "Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion!" warchief's command board 206109 206116 207323 207324
"29390" "Guardians of Hyjal: Call of the Ancients" warchief's command board 206109 206116 207323 207324
"29393" "Brew For Brewfest" ram master ray 24497
"29394" "Brew For Brewfest" neill ramstein 23558
"29411" "What Now?" stolen crate 209072
"29428" "What Now?" stolen crate 209094
"29429" "The Creepy Crate"edgar's crate 209095
"29601" "The Darkmoon Field Guide"darkmoon faire mystic mage 54334 55382
"29659" "Lost Treasure" A'dal 18481
"29820" "Into the Nexus" 25314 Archmage Berinand
"30092" "Our Man in Gilneas" wrathion 57777
"30093" "Assassinate Creed" zazzo twinklefingers 57770
"30095" "The End Time" coridormi 52408
"30102" "The Hour of Twilight" chromie 57913
"30106" "The Deed is Done" zazzo twinklefingers 57770
"30108" "Our Man in Karazhan" wrathion 57777
"30113" "Victory in the Depths" zazzo twinklefingers 57770
"30118" "Patricide" wrathion 57777
Quests without quest enders
"id" "title"
"8765" "The Changing of Paths - Invoker No More" 15192 Anachronos is located inside of the Caverns of Time
"8766" "The Changing of Paths - Conqueror No More" 15192 Anachronos is located outside of the Caverns of Time
"10708" "Akama's Promise" 18481 A'dal in Shattrath City.
"11072" "Adversarial Blood" 23306 Hazzik at Blackwind Landing
"11135" "The Headless Horseman" 23973 one time only
"11220" "The Headless Horseman" 23973 one time only
"11392" "Call the Headless Horseman" 186314 Loosely Turned Soil.
"11401" "Call the Headless Horseman" 186314 Loosely Turned Soil.
"11404" "Call the Headless Horseman" 186314 Loosely Turned Soil.
"11405" "Call the Headless Horseman" 186314 Loosely Turned Soil.
"11496" "The Sanctum Wards" 24967 Captain Theris Dawnhearth
"11513" "Intercepting the Mana Cells" 24932 Exarch Nasuun on the Terrace of Light in Shattrath City.
"11517" "Report to Nasuun" 24932 Exarch Nasuun on the Terrace of Light in Shattrath City
"11520" "Discovering Your Roots" 24975 Mar'nah at Sun's Reach Harbor
"11524" "Erratic Behavior" 24965 Vindicator Xayanna at the Shattered Sun Staging Area
"11528" "A Winter Veil Gift" winter veil gift 187236
"11532" "Distraction at the Dead Scar" 25057 Battlemage Arynna
"11535" "Making Ready" 25046 Smith Hauthaa in Sun's Reach Armory
"11538" "The Battle for the Sun's Reach Armory" 25061 Harbinger Inuuro
"11539" "Taking the Harbor" 25069 Magister Ilastar at Sun's Reach Armory
"11542" "Intercept the Reinforcements" 25108 Vindicator Kaalan at the Sun's Reach Armory
"11545" "A Charitable Donation" 25112 Anchorite Ayuri at Sun's Reach in Sunwell Isle
"11550" "Enter, the Deceiver..." 25169 Archmage Ne'thul on the Isle of Quel'Danas
"11691" "Summon Ahune" 25697 Luma or the 187882 ice stone .
"11696" "Ahune is Here!" 25697 Luma Skymother
"11955" "Ahune, the Frost Lord" 25710 Numa Cloudsister.
"13203" "A Winter Veil Gift" winter veil gift 187236
"13374" "Amped for Revolt!" 32430 Fringe Engineer Tezzla
"13381" "Watts My Target" 32430 Fringe Engineer Tezzla
"13417" "The Brothers Bronzebeard" 30107 Brann Bronzebeard
"13429" "A Distraction for Akama" xi'ri 18528
"13799" "Where Are My Keys?" 33801 Dr. Fingers
"13800" "Get My Keys!" 33801 Dr. Fingers
"13878" "Through Fire and Flames" dorak 34284
"13919" "A Trip to the Moonwell" Pelturas Whitemoon 3894
"13966" "A Winter Veil Gift" winter veil gift 187236
"14018" "He Who Would Be Forgiven" 34335 Avrus Illwhisper at Raynewood Tower in Ashenvale.
"14195" "All Becoming Clearer" Ancient Vortex Runestone 195445
"14196" "Firestarter" Ancient Vortex Runestone 195445
"14270" "The Keystone Shard" Naga Power Stone 195642
"14446" "Cataclysm!" 36674 Nambria
"14447" "Takes One to Know One" 29795 Koltira Deathweaver on Orgrim's Hammer.
"14448" "Takes One to Know One" 29795 Koltira Deathweaver on Orgrim's Hammer.
"14481" "Into The Abyss" 36799 Recruiter Burns at Stormwind Harbor.
"24568" "To the Walls!" 37717 Winnoa Pineforest at the Fields of Blood
"24591" "Changing of the Gar'dul" Warlord Gar'dul 37811
"24792" "Man on the Inside" 38208 Fezzen Brasstacks in Shadowfang Keep.
"24793" "Man on the Inside" 38208 Fezzen Brasstacks in Shadowfang Keep.
"26138" "Ferilon Leafborn" 41615 Ferilon Leafborn
"26154" "Twilight Extermination" L'ghorek 42197
"26379" "In Aid of the Refugees" 33107 Priestess Alinya at the Refugee Camp.
"26398" "Walk With The Earth Mother" 39605 Warchief, located in Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar.
"26412" "The Mosh'Ogg Bounty" Skeezy Whillzap 42814
"26415" "Questflag for Captain's Log" 42899
"27502" "Up to the Citadel" 45796 Matthias Shaw
"27503" "Up to the Citadel" 45796 Matthias Shaw
"27768" "Step Two: The Bloodletter" Lord Itharius 46071
"27858" "Rheastrasza's Gift" Rhea 46654
"27861" "The Crucible of Carnage: The Bloodeye Bruiser!" Wodin the Troll-Servant 46936
"27862" "The Crucible of Carnage: The Bloodeye Bruiser!" Wodin the Troll-Servant 46936
"27898" "Rheastrasza's Gift" Rhea 46654
"27950" "Gobbles!" Commander Schnottz 47159
"27983" "Lunk's Adventure: Cranky Little Dwarfs" Lunk 47332
"28143" "To the Withering" 47745 Magatha Grimtotem at the Twilight Withering in Thousand Needles.
"28516" "Centuries of Suffering" 48658 Kaldorei Spirit at the center of Lake Kel'theril.
"28833" "Rescue the Earthspeaker!" Erunak Stonespeaker 40825
"28834" "Rescue the Earthspeaker!" Erunak Stonespeaker 40825
"29158" "The Zandalar Representative" 52654 Bwemba
"29168" "Secondary Targets" Bloodslayer T'ara 53023
"29169" "The Beasts Within" Bloodslayer T'ara 53023
"29174" "Break Their Spirits" Bloodslayer T'ara 53023
"29180" "Promises, Promises..."budd 23559
"29184" "X Marks... Your Doom!" budd 23559
"29187" "Tuskin' Raiders" Bloodslayer T'ara 53023
"29188" "A Troll Among Trolls" Bloodslayer T'ara 53023
"29261" "Zul'Aman Voodoo" Voodoo Pile 208549
"29289" "Mother's Malice" Morthis Whisperwing 52491
"29303" "Tragedy and Family" 208790 Night Elf Grave near Astranaar in Ashenvale.
"29310" "The Tipping Point" 208791 Small Gravestone at Leyara's Sorrow in Hyjal.
"29403" "The Collector's Agent" Stolen Crate 209072
"29413" "The Creepy Crate" Anson's Crate 209076
"29427" "The Collector's Agent" Stolen Crate 209072
"29429" "The Creepy Crate" Edgar's Crate 209095
"29432" "Delegation Tracker" Kalecgos 53009
"29601" "The Darkmoon Field Guide" Darkmoon Faire Mystic Mage 54334
"29658" "The Calculator" A'dal 18481
"29659" "Lost Treasure" A'dal 18481
"29667" "Culling the Herd" A'dal 18481
"29669" "A Most Somber Task" A'dal 18481
"29674" "Unbound Darkness" A'dal 18481
"29675" "Hey There Dalliah" A'dal 18481
"29820" "Into the Nexus" 55531 Warmage Kaitlyn
"30092" "Our Man in Gilneas" Zazzo Twinklefingers 57770
"30093" "Assassinate Creed" Zazzo Twinklefingers 57770
"30095" "The End Time" Nozdormu 54476
"30102" "The Hour of Twilight" Thrall 54548 54972 55779
"30106" "The Deed is Done" Wrathion 57777
"30108" "Our Man in Karazhan" Zazzo Twinklefingers 57770
"30113" "Victory in the Depths" Wrathion 57777
"30118" "Patricide" Wrathion 58038
Item quest starters
UPDATE `emucoach-world`.`item_template` SET `startquest`=13827 WHERE `entry`=45863;
Gameobject quest starters
INSERT INTO `gameobject_questrelation` (`quest`, `id`) VALUES
(11392, 186267),
(11401, 186267),
(11404, 186267),
(11405, 186267),
(11528, 187236),
(11691, 187882),
(13203, 187236),
(13629, 194555),
(13966, 187236),
(14196, 195445),
(14270, 195642),
(14271, 195642),
(14333, 196393),
(24702, 202135),
(28790, 206109),
(29157, 206109),
(29157, 206116),
(29157, 207323),
(29157, 207324),
(29388, 206109),
(29388, 206116),
(29388, 207323),
(29388, 207324),
(29390, 206109),
(29390, 206116),
(29390, 207323),
(29390, 207324),
(29411, 209072),
(29428, 209094),
(29429, 209095);
Npc quest starters
INSERT INTO `creature_questrelation` (`quest`, `id`) VALUES
(8765, 15192),
(8766, 15192),
(10708, 21700),
(10888, 18481),
(10972, 20448),
(11072, 23306),
(11074, 23306),
(11135, 23973),
(11220, 23973),
(11496, 24967),
(11513, 24932),
(11517, 25034),
(11520, 24975),
(11524, 24965),
(11532, 25057),
(11535, 25046),
(11538, 25061),
(11539, 25069),
(11542, 25108),
(11545, 25112),
(11550, 25167),
(11691, 25697),
(11696, 25710),
(11867, 25809),
(11955, 26221),
(13374, 32430),
(13381, 32444),
(13417, 30107),
(13429, 18528),
(13661, 1153),
(13799, 33801),
(13800, 33801),
(13878, 34284),
(14001, 36600),
(14446, 36674),
(14447, 30824),
(14448, 30824),
(14481, 36674),
(24503, 37106),
(24568, 37570),
(24596, 37527),
(24792, 38066),
(24793, 37172),
(24798, 36642),
(25179, 39270),
(26138, 41411),
(26379, 32912),
(26398, 36648),
(26412, 42814),
(26415, 42899),
(26712, 35053),
(27861, 46935),
(27862, 46935),
(28064, 47393),
(28326, 48292),
(28449, 48292),
(28516, 10920),
(28879, 33533),
(28880, 33532),
(29093, 14305),
(29106, 14305),
(29107, 14305),
(29117, 14305),
(29119, 14305),
(29168, 53023),
(29169, 53023),
(29174, 53023),
(29180, 23559),
(29184, 23559),
(29187, 23761),
(29188, 23761),
(29190, 14444),
(29191, 14444),
(29311, 11801),
(29393, 24497),
(29394, 23558),
(29601, 54334),
(29601, 55382),
(29659, 18481),
(29820, 25314),
(30092, 57777),
(30093, 57770),
(30095, 52408),
(30102, 57913),
(30106, 57770),
(25707, 41402),
(25707, 41454),
(30108, 57777),
(30113, 57770),
(30118, 57777);
Npc quest enders
INSERT INTO `creature_involvedrelation` (`quest`, `id`) VALUES
(8765, 15192),
(8766, 15192),
(10708, 18481),
(11072, 23306),
(11135, 23973),
(11220, 23973),
(11496, 24967),
(11513, 24932),
(11517, 24932),
(11520, 24975),
(11524, 24965),
(11532, 25057),
(11535, 25046),
(11538, 25061),
(11539, 25069),
(11542, 25108),
(11545, 25112),
(11550, 25169),
(11691, 25697),
(11696, 25697),
(11955, 25710),
(13374, 32430),
(13381, 32430),
(13417, 30107),
(13429, 18528),
(13799, 33801),
(13800, 33801),
(13878, 34284),
(13919, 3894),
(14018, 34335),
(14446, 36674),
(14447, 29795),
(14448, 29795),
(14481, 36799),
(24568, 37717),
(24591, 37811),
(24792, 38208),
(24793, 38208),
(26138, 41615),
(26154, 42197),
(26379, 33107),
(26398, 39605),
(26412, 42814),
(26415, 42899),
(27502, 45796),
(27503, 45796),
(27768, 46071),
(27858, 46654),
(27861, 46936),
(27862, 46936),
(27898, 46654),
(27950, 47159),
(27983, 47332),
(28143, 47745),
(28516, 48658),
(28833, 40825),
(28834, 40825),
(29158, 52654),
(29168, 53023),
(29169, 53023),
(29174, 53023),
(29180, 23559),
(29184, 23559),
(29187, 53023),
(29188, 53023),
(29289, 52491),
(29432, 53009),
(29601, 54334),
(29658, 18481),
(29659, 18481),
(29667, 18481),
(29669, 18481),
(29674, 18481),
(29675, 18481),
(29820, 55531),
(30092, 57770),
(30093, 57770),
(30095, 54476),
(30102, 54548),
(30102, 54972),
(30102, 55779),
(30106, 57777),
(30108, 57770),
(30113, 57777),
(30118, 58038);
Gameobject quest enders
INSERT INTO `gameobject_involvedrelation` (`quest`, `id`) VALUES
(11392, 186314),
(11401, 186314),
(11404, 186314),
(11405, 186314),
(11528, 187236),
(11691, 187882),
(13203, 187236),
(13966, 187236),
(14195, 195445),
(14196, 195445),
(14270, 195642),
(29261, 208549),
(29303, 208790),
(29310, 208791),
(29403, 209072),
(29413, 209076),
(29427, 209072),
(29429, 209095);
If you find any of this data to be incorrect, Feel free to change it.