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Missing object spawns (ObjectID: 181690 Fertile Dirt Mound) v7.0.2


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Senior User
Adding missing spawns. Quest can not be completed without them.

@Devs - I believe there is an animation of a tree sprouting after planting the seed. Not sure how this is handled. Planting works and you get credit for the quest it is just the animation part that is not currently functioning.

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Repack version:               7.0.2
-- ObjectID: 181690 Fertile Dirt Mound
-- QuestID: 26446 Reclaiming Felfire Hill
-- Add missing object spawns
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DELETE FROM `gameobject` WHERE `id` = 181690;
INSERT INTO `gameobject` (`id`, `map`, `zone`, `area`, `spawnMask`, `phaseMask`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `rotation0`, `rotation1`, `rotation2`, `rotation3`, `spawntimesecs`, `animprogress`, `state`) VALUES
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2133.9, -3090.2, 110.419, 2.08037, 0, 0, 0.862498, 0.50606, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2112.8, -3053.84, 110.589, 2.00576, 0, 0, 0.843023, 0.537877, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2110.3, -3010.41, 111.336, 1.57772, 0, 0, 0.709549, 0.704656, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2102.14, -2978.77, 111.283, 2.12435, 0, 0, 0.873418, 0.486972, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2074.7, -2957.44, 112.213, 2.83514, 0, 0, 0.988284, 0.152628, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2016.04, -2974.7, 109.32, 3.27889, 0, 0, 0.997645, -0.068595, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 1983.5, -2990.77, 106.202, 4.08, 0, 0, 0.891929, -0.452175, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 1971.4, -3015.44, 105.075, 4.38237, 0, 0, 0.813651, -0.581353, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 1987.67, -3042.71, 106.72, 5.49371, 0, 0, 0.384566, -0.923098, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2002.92, -3071.05, 107.237, 5.1717, 0, 0, 0.527574, -0.849509, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2007.11, -3096.7, 107.929, 4.59051, 0, 0, 0.748859, -0.662729, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 1989.28, -3128.19, 104.483, 4.04858, 0, 0, 0.898921, -0.43811, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2000.19, -3161.46, 102.381, 5.25024, 0, 0, 0.493815, -0.869567, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2037.65, -3162.11, 101.506, 0.105099, 0, 0, 0.0525254, 0.99862, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2064.24, -3151.81, 101.473, 1.06171, 0, 0, 0.506273, 0.862373, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2073.5, -3095.99, 107.13, 1.54709, 0, 0, 0.698676, 0.715438, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2081.81, -3069.36, 108.606, 1.31383, 0, 0, 0.610676, 0.791881, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2079, -3041.94, 110.143, 2.12672, 0, 0, 0.873992, 0.48594, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2065.88, -3005.49, 110.354, 1.79685, 0, 0, 0.782346, 0.622844, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2090.22, -3002.62, 110.277, 6.13931, 0, 0, 0.0718735, -0.997414, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2153.12, -3046.04, 113.259, 1.21093, 0, 0, 0.569146, 0.822237, 120, 0, 1),
(181690, 1, 331, 434, 1, 1, 2152.29, -2990.98, 115.95, 1.31068, 0, 0, 0.609428, 0.792841, 120, 0, 1);

EDIT: Changed phased mask from 65535 to 1
Last edited:


Thanks for the fix! About animation, it could be a spell, can't find any additional info on it though. Has to be a thing to keep in mind for the future