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Missing object spawns (ObjectID: 181686 Warsong Lumber Pile) v7.0.2


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Senior User
Adding missing spawns. Quest can not be completed without them.

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Repack version:               7.0.2
-- ObjectID: 181686 Warsong Lumber Pile
-- QuestID: 9517 A Shameful Waste (This quest is obsolete just adding reference)
-- QuestID: 13869 Recover the Remains
-- Add missing object spawns
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DELETE FROM `gameobject` WHERE `id` = 181916;
INSERT INTO `gameobject` (`id`, `map`, `zone`, `area`, `spawnMask`, `phaseMask`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `rotation0`, `rotation1`, `rotation2`, `rotation3`, `spawntimesecs`, `animprogress`, `state`) VALUES
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2385.75, -3398.92, 109.51, 3.85145, 0, 0, 0.937672, -0.347522, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2404.02, -3377.78, 109.861, 2.30421, 0, 0, 0.913622, 0.406565, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2357.13, -3419.13, 110.582, 4.22451, 0, 0, 0.856957, -0.515388, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2333.73, -3386.39, 104.088, 4.31091, 0, 0, 0.833902, -0.551913, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2329.08, -3352.48, 101.381, 1.36566, 0, 0, 0.630992, 0.77579, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2275.07, -3456.51, 105.335, 3.06211, 0, 0, 0.99921, 0.0397307, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2265.35, -3405.62, 100.137, 1.47561, 0, 0, 0.672664, 0.739948, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2279.88, -3391.57, 100.336, 1.64839, 0, 0, 0.734002, 0.679147, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2249.03, -3373.99, 93.8139, 0.792309, 0, 0, 0.385873, 0.922552, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2223.44, -3383.97, 94.1706, 3.96139, 0, 0, 0.917161, -0.398517, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2194.22, -3405.94, 94.5146, 2.48092, 0, 0, 0.945933, 0.324363, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2175.15, -3392.02, 94.6591, 0.4271, 0, 0, 0.211931, 0.977285, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2202.57, -3367.85, 96.2987, 1.18894, 0, 0, 0.560068, 0.828446, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2217.39, -3352.57, 97.2486, 0.70199, 0, 0, 0.343832, 0.939031, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2233.57, -3322.97, 97.9685, 1.47168, 0, 0, 0.67121, 0.741267, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2236.35, -3303.76, 100.3, 1.42848, 0, 0, 0.655045, 0.75559, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2236.77, -3270.64, 101.415, 1.57771, 0, 0, 0.709547, 0.704658, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2280.6, -3323.1, 100.652, 4.34624, 0, 0, 0.824021, -0.56656, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2342.62, -3307.54, 104.43, 5.38297, 0, 0, 0.435063, -0.9004, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2369.17, -3322.25, 106.025, 5.77174, 0, 0, 0.252946, -0.96748, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2470.92, -3422.49, 102.724, 5.46151, 0, 0, 0.399375, -0.916788, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2534.13, -3445.23, 104.448, 5.48508, 0, 0, 0.388546, -0.921429, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2580.11, -3461.14, 105.68, 5.8817, 0, 0, 0.199396, -0.979919, 120, 0, 1),
(181686, 1, 331, 437, 1, 1, 2630.16, -3465.24, 107.857, 0.0187013, 0, 0, 0.00935052, 0.999956, 120, 0, 1);

EDIT: Changed phased mask from 65535 to 1
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