- 916
- 2015
- 24
- Location
- Barryton Michigan USA
If your an avid crafter, Then you may have noticed the large amount of missing ores in version 7.02.
And if you went to badlands, Searing Gorge, Or Burning Steppes. Then you probably saw the hundreds of Truesilver and Mithril ores clustered everywhere on those maps.
This is a fix for those two problems. The wrong ores are deleted, And then respawned manually all over Azeroth.
Along with those replaced ores, The missing high level azeroth ores were placed as well.
Also the ores are spaced very widely to force players to travel as they mine, But not so few that it's a waste of time.
The affected maps are Winterspring, Thousand Needles, Burning Steppes, Badlands, Felwood, Searing Gorge, Silithus, Blasted Lands, Swamp of Sorrows, Eastern Plaguelands, Tanaris, Un'Goro Crater, Arathi Highlands, Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas, The Hinterlands.
This includes the bug tunnels in Tanaris, Un'goro, And Silithus.
Your probably wondering why i would do this the hard way by deleting all the ore first.
The reason was that the preexisting ores that came with the database did not have zone and area data, They were all set to 0.
This means that i could not use an sql query to remove the offending ores on any particular map, without removing them all in the entire world.
The good news, is they now have this data.
This is not a fix for every ore in the world, Only the ones listed below, And in the areas listed above.
If there are more areas that are missing ore, Don't hesitate to let me know.
2040 Mithril Ore Removed and Replaced.
2047 Truesilver Ore Removed and Replaced.
123309 Ooze Covered Truesilver Added to maps.
123310 Ooze Covered Mithril Added to maps.
324 Small Thorium Added to maps.
175404 Rich thorium Added to maps.
Please remember to backup your gameobject table before using this fix, In case you want to revert back.
View attachment Orefix.zip
And if you went to badlands, Searing Gorge, Or Burning Steppes. Then you probably saw the hundreds of Truesilver and Mithril ores clustered everywhere on those maps.
This is a fix for those two problems. The wrong ores are deleted, And then respawned manually all over Azeroth.
Along with those replaced ores, The missing high level azeroth ores were placed as well.
Also the ores are spaced very widely to force players to travel as they mine, But not so few that it's a waste of time.
The affected maps are Winterspring, Thousand Needles, Burning Steppes, Badlands, Felwood, Searing Gorge, Silithus, Blasted Lands, Swamp of Sorrows, Eastern Plaguelands, Tanaris, Un'Goro Crater, Arathi Highlands, Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas, The Hinterlands.
This includes the bug tunnels in Tanaris, Un'goro, And Silithus.
Your probably wondering why i would do this the hard way by deleting all the ore first.
The reason was that the preexisting ores that came with the database did not have zone and area data, They were all set to 0.
This means that i could not use an sql query to remove the offending ores on any particular map, without removing them all in the entire world.
The good news, is they now have this data.
This is not a fix for every ore in the world, Only the ones listed below, And in the areas listed above.
If there are more areas that are missing ore, Don't hesitate to let me know.
2040 Mithril Ore Removed and Replaced.
2047 Truesilver Ore Removed and Replaced.
123309 Ooze Covered Truesilver Added to maps.
123310 Ooze Covered Mithril Added to maps.
324 Small Thorium Added to maps.
175404 Rich thorium Added to maps.
Please remember to backup your gameobject table before using this fix, In case you want to revert back.
View attachment Orefix.zip