- 188
- 2017
- 13
- Location
The minor research (inscription) skill should have a 20 hour cool down. Unless that changed in Cataclysm.
If you use the skill, log out and back in you can use the skill again.
You can do this over and over. Not sure if the "character_spell_cooldown" table is still used in this version of the core.
This table is never written to. This means the cooldown duration time is not recorded. If still used.
I see the following in the log when using the skill. I did it twice so this reflects two log entries.
Willing help however is needed to advance the repack so please let me know if there is anything I can try of if further testing is needed.
If you use the skill, log out and back in you can use the skill again.
You can do this over and over. Not sure if the "character_spell_cooldown" table is still used in this version of the core.
This table is never written to. This means the cooldown duration time is not recorded. If still used.
I see the following in the log when using the skill. I did it twice so this reflects two log entries.
Unhandled MySQL errno 1292. Unexpected behaviour possible.
Player::addSpell: Non-existed in SpellStore spell #58300 request.
Unhandled MySQL errno 1292. Unexpected behaviour possible.
Player::addSpell: Non-existed in SpellStore spell #58305 request.
Willing help however is needed to advance the repack so please let me know if there is anything I can try of if further testing is needed.