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Meretrix-Server 3.3.5a Blizzlike with a custom End Game !


Trial Member
Hi, we just started a new server 3.3.5a Blizzlike for leveling with a custom end game.
Lag-free realm running on trinity fresh compiled.
There is :
- Custom Instance
- Custom Dungeon
- Custom Stuff
- Good Staff
- Great Dev ( And Still looking for another C++ Dev )
- Pvp
- Pvp Zone
- Farming Zone ( Hard Farming Zone )
- World Boss ( Don't try it alone...if you wanna survive )
- No teleporter
We should start adding customs instances/stuff/dungeon when the first player of the server will hit lvl 50
There is no Pay to win like a lot of Wow server.
You donate if you like it or you don't
Come and try it, i'm sure you enjoy it !