Many users with private servers use the trinity creator tool to create creatures, vendors, npcs and quests. I know personally I have spent countless hours researching perfect model IDs for my new vendors and NPC's, well it turns out you DONT HAVE TO
You can simply make your creature with any model id available to you, go into your game, spawn the creature and adjust the model ID in real-time while you can see the changes.
Once spawned highlight your newly created creature, enemy, npc or vendor and with GM access you can simply type into chat the following command :
.npc set model #
Replace the '#' sign with an ID number for a model. The npc will instantly and permanently change to a new model ID. You can find model IDs in your database, on WotLK Database 3.3.5a or you can simply enter random numbers.
I hope this helped at least one member.
You can simply make your creature with any model id available to you, go into your game, spawn the creature and adjust the model ID in real-time while you can see the changes.
Once spawned highlight your newly created creature, enemy, npc or vendor and with GM access you can simply type into chat the following command :
.npc set model #
Replace the '#' sign with an ID number for a model. The npc will instantly and permanently change to a new model ID. You can find model IDs in your database, on WotLK Database 3.3.5a or you can simply enter random numbers.
I hope this helped at least one member.