- 261
- 2015
- 4
- Location
- The mountains, WV, USA
Major Glitched quest in the Deathknight starter area.
The Deathknight area requires GM cheats, or massive footwork to complete
currently 1 quest only. First off, when you take a flight to the ground? Use
only the mount to your left when facing out every time you need to return to
the ground. The one on the right kills you instantly when it lands? lol 0.o
Next problem you will get no minecart ride, and no cannons on the ships on
beachs to kill the masses with, and no flight back either. It is all missing,
due I suspect to the mine cart failure initially maybe? "The miner never drags
the cart", and you get in, and the view just jumps in & out insanely til you hop
out. [Quest 12701 - Massacre At Light's Point (Scarlet Defender slain 100)] You
would pretty much need be a higher level than you'll get in the DK start
zone, with good gear, or .cheat god, and a LOT of walking around to do it by
hand. Or simple use the [.quest complete (ID#)] to instant finish this quest,
but feel completely cheated of the enjoyment.
There IS away to do this for us who cannot script, or modify DB's properly,
without [extemely rediculous effort], or super man'ing your Deathknight til it
gets fixed.
There is a glitched mount from long ago. It was pre-wolk originally I believe,
and it was very hard to get. A rare, elite, Black Qiraji Battle Tank (4 legged
ground mount) awarded after an epically long quest/battle series that very few
got. It became a glitched, bugged mount for some if logged off mounted on it
after a pre-launch wolk patch i think it was? Blizzard buried it, and made the
Battle Tank a normal mount later? But... they didn't remove the original
file/spell used back then to summon it! It is STILL glitched in the DB! hehe
We will use it to return the fairness to this broken
Deathnight quest! hehe
(1.) First (.learn 31700) [Flying Black Qiraji Battle Tank]
(glitched ground mount made wasp) that allows flying almost anywhere outdoors
"even no fly zones" with no riding/flying training whatsoever. (strangely enough? It won't work in some allowed area without training "like Dalaran? cold weather flight maybe? lol) You don't need to
have GM mode on even. (Will be in your mount section same as other mounts.) [I
recommend you never try to "fix this]. Blizz didn't. They just buried it. It comes
in handy!] lol
(2.) Second (Create 2 Macro's) Macro 1 [.cheat god] - Macro 2 [.die] (put them
in 1 of your action bars for convenience) "the .die can be put in an attack bar
for easier use if you like".
Use the [Wasp] to get to your kills easily, the [.cheat god] to avoid the death
(that shouldn't happen to begin with in this quest), and the [.die] Macro to
kill the required mobs while flying.
After you complete the quest? delete the macro's & [.unlearn 31700] the mount
to remove it (if you want blizzlike fairness, and challenge)? lol
It is FAIR this way, but requires about the same effort the quest would have
had at least!
Hope this helps someone. Enjoy!
The Deathknight area requires GM cheats, or massive footwork to complete
currently 1 quest only. First off, when you take a flight to the ground? Use
only the mount to your left when facing out every time you need to return to
the ground. The one on the right kills you instantly when it lands? lol 0.o
Next problem you will get no minecart ride, and no cannons on the ships on
beachs to kill the masses with, and no flight back either. It is all missing,
due I suspect to the mine cart failure initially maybe? "The miner never drags
the cart", and you get in, and the view just jumps in & out insanely til you hop
out. [Quest 12701 - Massacre At Light's Point (Scarlet Defender slain 100)] You
would pretty much need be a higher level than you'll get in the DK start
zone, with good gear, or .cheat god, and a LOT of walking around to do it by
hand. Or simple use the [.quest complete (ID#)] to instant finish this quest,
but feel completely cheated of the enjoyment.
There IS away to do this for us who cannot script, or modify DB's properly,
without [extemely rediculous effort], or super man'ing your Deathknight til it
gets fixed.
There is a glitched mount from long ago. It was pre-wolk originally I believe,
and it was very hard to get. A rare, elite, Black Qiraji Battle Tank (4 legged
ground mount) awarded after an epically long quest/battle series that very few
got. It became a glitched, bugged mount for some if logged off mounted on it
after a pre-launch wolk patch i think it was? Blizzard buried it, and made the
Battle Tank a normal mount later? But... they didn't remove the original
file/spell used back then to summon it! It is STILL glitched in the DB! hehe
Deathnight quest! hehe
(1.) First (.learn 31700) [Flying Black Qiraji Battle Tank]
(glitched ground mount made wasp) that allows flying almost anywhere outdoors
"even no fly zones" with no riding/flying training whatsoever. (strangely enough? It won't work in some allowed area without training "like Dalaran? cold weather flight maybe? lol) You don't need to
have GM mode on even. (Will be in your mount section same as other mounts.) [I
recommend you never try to "fix this]. Blizz didn't. They just buried it. It comes
in handy!] lol
(2.) Second (Create 2 Macro's) Macro 1 [.cheat god] - Macro 2 [.die] (put them
in 1 of your action bars for convenience) "the .die can be put in an attack bar
for easier use if you like".
Use the [Wasp] to get to your kills easily, the [.cheat god] to avoid the death
(that shouldn't happen to begin with in this quest), and the [.die] Macro to
kill the required mobs while flying.
After you complete the quest? delete the macro's & [.unlearn 31700] the mount
to remove it (if you want blizzlike fairness, and challenge)? lol
It is FAIR this way, but requires about the same effort the quest would have
had at least!
Hope this helps someone. Enjoy!
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