Hello, today I want to tell you a bit about one of norwegians hugest gaming communitys, at least back in time.
So Lucky-Gaming was created in 2009 by a person called LykkeKuken (LykkeKongen), which had this community online til 2012, that's when Codaki and Etox took over the community. Sadly we shut down early 2013 because of ddos. However, we had 100 persons on daily on our 5 servers. In total we had 612 000 players in our ranking system on our main server.
In late 2014 we were telling us ourself that we wanted to open the community once again, but this time we want it to be international. So this means that players from all around the world is welcome to join our servers. We are giving out prizes each month, when our server once again gets more players.
The games we offer is:
- Counter Strike Source
- Counter Strike Global Offensive
This is what we currently offer, however in the future we might have more games.
Lucky-Gaming is what you can call a supportive community, somewhere to come when you're feeling down. A place to go to when you want to have fun and make friends. This is where pros become legends. If you want to join a competitive and both a warm and kind community this is where you would want to go.
Home Page (not done)
Sourcebans (Ban List/Server List)
Steam Community
We're also recruting admins for our servers! You can find the admin application on our website under applications!
Server List

Counter Strike Source
[Nor]Lucky-Gaming | DD2 Only gameME (100 tick)
[Nor]Lucky-Gaming | Inf/Nuke/Tuscan | GameME | 100 Tick |
[Nor/Eng]Lucky-Gaming | MiniGames | GameME | 100 Tick | Store/VIP |
Counter Strike Global Offensive (Currently only 1 server, might get more soon)
[Nor/Eng]Lucky-Gaming | CSDM | FFA | 128 TICK |
We also have a TS3 channel. ts3.lucky-gaming.net
We also give out free CSS in-game tags for the players that want that, here is some examples.

I want to say that I know this is not a wow server, but if we get enough players back to our community we might open one.
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