DELETE FROM creature_text WHERE entry='28472';
INSERT INTO creature_text (entry,groupid,id,text,`type`,`language`,probability,emote,duration,sound,BroadcastTextId,`comment`) VALUES ('28472', '0', '0', 'As disciples of blood, you strive to master the very lifeforce of your enemies.', '12', '0', '100', '1', '0', '0', '29867', 'Lord Thorval');
INSERT INTO creature_text (entry,groupid,id,text,`type`,`language`,probability,emote,duration,sound,BroadcastTextId,`comment`) VALUES ('28472', '1', '0', 'Be it by blade or incantation, blood feeds our attacks and weakens our foes.', '12', '0', '100', '1', '0', '0', '29868', 'Lord Thorval');
INSERT INTO creature_text (entry,groupid,id,text,`type`,`language`,probability,emote,duration,sound,BroadcastTextId,`comment`) VALUES ('28472', '2', '0', 'True masters learn to make blood serve more than just their strength in battle.', '12', '0', '100', '1', '0', '0', '29869', 'Lord Thorval');
INSERT INTO creature_text (entry,groupid,id,text,`type`,`language`,probability,emote,duration,sound,BroadcastTextId,`comment`) VALUES ('28472', '3', '0', 'Stripping energy from our foes, both fighting and fallen, allows us to persevere where lesser beigns falls exhausted.', '12', '0', '100', '1', '0', '0', '29870', 'Lord Thorval');
INSERT INTO creature_text (entry,groupid,id,text,`type`,`language`,probability,emote,duration,sound,BroadcastTextId,`comment`) VALUES ('28472', '4', '0', 'And every foe that falls, energy sapped and stolen, only further fuels our assault.', '12', '0', '100', '1', '0', '0', '29871', 'Lord Thorval');
INSERT INTO creature_text (entry,groupid,id,text,`type`,`language`,probability,emote,duration,sound,BroadcastTextId,`comment`) VALUES ('28472', '5', '0', 'As masters of blood, we know battle without end...', '12', '0', '100', '1', '0', '0', '29872', 'Lord Thorval');
INSERT INTO creature_text (entry,groupid,id,text,`type`,`language`,probability,emote,duration,sound,BroadcastTextId,`comment`) VALUES ('28472', '6', '0', 'We know hunger never to be quenched...', '12', '0', '100', '1', '0', '0', '29873', 'Lord Thorval');
INSERT INTO creature_text (entry,groupid,id,text,`type`,`language`,probability,emote,duration,sound,BroadcastTextId,`comment`) VALUES ('28472', '7', '0', 'We know power never to be overcome...', '12', '0', '100', '1', '0', '0', '29874', 'Lord Thorval');
INSERT INTO creature_text (entry,groupid,id,text,`type`,`language`,probability,emote,duration,sound,BroadcastTextId,`comment`) VALUES ('28472', '8', '0', 'As masters of blood, we are masters of life and death itself. Against us, even hope falls drained and lifeless.', '12', '0', '100', '1', '0', '0', '29875', 'Lord Thorval');