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Looking for help adding player bots to my Azerothcore 3.3.5 server


Verified Member
Hello! Having issues with my server I'm trying to set up. I have it running just fine normally, but I tried compiling a build with player bots via cmake and visual studio etc. But when I try to create the databases in authserv it gives me this error. Any ideas? I think it may be because I made the build in my D drive instead of C, but I would prefer not to clutter my C drive and I see no options in the config to fix this.

Database Auth is empty, auto populating it... >> Applying 'account.sql'... ERROR 2059 (HY000): Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded: The specified module could not be found.♪♪◙♪◙ Applying of file 'D:/WoW Private Servers/3.3.5a WOTLK/AzerothCore/azerothcore-wotlk/data/sql/base/db_auth/account.sql' to database 'acore_auth' failed! If you are a user, please pull the latest revision from the repository. Also make sure you have not applied any of the databases with your sql client. You cannot use auto-update system and import sql files from AzerothCore repository with your sql client. If you are a developer, please fix your sql query. Could not populate the Login database, see log for details. Closing down DatabasePool 'acore_auth'. Waiting for 0 queries to finish... Asynchronous connections on DatabasePool 'acore_auth' terminated. Proceeding with synchronous connections. All connections on DatabasePool 'acore_auth' closed.