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Looking for advice/directions, etc for creation of a custom aura


Verified Member
I currently have a small private server for myself and a few local friends. Long story short, we would eventually like to raid but there are far too few of us.
I know about solocraft, but two things about that turn me off to it. I cannot get it to build without errors, and if I understand it correctly it only buffs melee and health.

I've been wondering about the possibility of creating a raid wide aura version of Hellscream's Warsong that the raid leader can activate/deactivate when needed. Minus the icecrown citadel requirement of course.

Hellscream's Warsong
The warsong of Hellscream fills you with strength, increasing total health, healing done, damage absorption, and damage dealt by 30%.

It seems to me like that would do the trick and a person could modify the % to fine tune it for their needs. Problem is I don't even know where to begin. I have looked for the spell, and cant even locate it.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Trial Member
You will need to edit Spell.dbc to make custom spells like this. For more complex spell mechanics, you usually need to make a custom c++ script, but that is not this case. You want to just make a zone-wide aura.

If you haven't done any DBC editing before, check out this guide: http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showth...dding-custom-items-to-your-TrinityCore-server
It will show you how to edit the Item.dbc, but the process is the same for any dbc. Get comfortable with doing this, make a few custom items and see if they work properly.

Here's the layout of Spell.dbc:

I suggest you duplicate the spell that you want to change (for example the hellscream one), and edit only what you want to change, for example the values.
Then you will have to do a database edit in the table "spell_area", which handles spells being applied to players in a certain area ID.
Here's the layout of this table: https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/tc/pages/2130105/spell+area

With trial and error you should be able to do it. Good luck :)


Veteran Member
You will need to edit Spell.dbc to make custom spells like this. For more complex spell mechanics, you usually need to make a custom c++ script, but that is not this case. You want to just make a zone-wide aura.

If you haven't done any DBC editing before, check out this guide: http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showth...dding-custom-items-to-your-TrinityCore-server
It will show you how to edit the Item.dbc, but the process is the same for any dbc. Get comfortable with doing this, make a few custom items and see if they work properly.

Here's the layout of Spell.dbc:

I suggest you duplicate the spell that you want to change (for example the hellscream one), and edit only what you want to change, for example the values.
Then you will have to do a database edit in the table "spell_area", which handles spells being applied to players in a certain area ID.
Here's the layout of this table: https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/tc/pages/2130105/spell+area

With trial and error you should be able to do it. Good luck :)

Thanks for posting the link to the DBC editing guide. I've been very interested in learning about it myself.