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Live server online status with ajax registration fade in modal


Verified Member
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
This is a dynamic auto refreshing server status page with an account registration fade in modal. I created this originally for mangos EMu some time ago and recently modified the registration code for TrinityCore and WoW Cataclysm

What this does is auto updates your server systems online status ever few seconds or so so it gives that "live" effect. Now the setup requires you to know your way around PHP and web coding but its not too trivial. Its a matter of putting in your own servers info like IP and ports where threy go and tweaking some texts and so on to your liking.
Sorry its not streamlined and super simple but it does work.

There is also a digital clock script included in this set that was a side test item but you guys get it for free since we no longer need it. Click the clock icon on the page to see it.

Changing the background image is done in the .css file and as you can see it was originally created for WoW Burning Crusade servers but now it works with EMUCoach 4.3.4 Cataclysm repacks.


View attachment ss1.jpg

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In the future if I can find it I have several addons for mainstream CMS like Joomla and Wordpress that do the same and similar things this scriptset does as well as in depth server information scripts and live action bar-graphs that show CPU load, memory usage, drive space, players online, accounts etc you get the idea.
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Very interesting, I'll check this out myself as well.

Thanks for the contribution!