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List of buffs and debuffs V10.1


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[Location, Faction, Race]---
[Name, Type] Ill write below the spells
[Problem Description] Many buffs and debuffs that have the same effect stack
[How it should work] They should be visible on the target, but they should never stack when they have the same effect

Example: If a player has Trueshot Aura active, and a Shaman with Unleashed Rage active joins the group, both the buffs will show on the player, but only one is supposed to be active, should be AP*1.20 and not AP*1.20*1.20.

Another example: If an elemental shaman has the Totemic Wrath talent and places down Flametongue totem , it currently takes in consideration both of the buffs, making it: SP*1.06*1.10, when only the stronger buff should be active: SP*1.10 and ignore the rest of the spell power buffs.

Debuff example: If a player is affected by Mind-numbing Poison and Necrotic Strike at the same time, the 30% slow casting debuff will stack and will result in CastTime*1.30*1.30 which is WRONG. Only one of the same type should be active.
Here's a list of the spells that should never stack:

+10% Melee Speed
Shamans (Windfury Totem)
Frost Death Knights (Improved Icy Talons)
Survival Hunters (Hunting Party)

+5% Crit
Feral Druids (Leader of the Pack)
Elemental Shaman (Elemental Oath)
Subtlety Rogues (Honor Among Thieves)
Fury Warriors (Rampage)

+10% Attack Power
Enhancement Shamans (Unleashed Rage)
Marksman Hunter (Trueshot Aura)
Blood Death Knights (Abomination's Might)
Paladins (Blessing of Might and Blessing of Might, 2 diff ids)

+5% Spell Haste
Balance Druids (Moonkin Form)
Shadow Priests (Shadow Form)
Shamans (Wrath of Air Totem)

+10% Spell Power AND +6% Spell Power ( stronger buff is active and weaker one is ignored )
Demonolgy Warlocks (Demonic Pact) 10%
Elemental Shamans (Totemic Wrath) 10%
Mages (Arcane Brilliance) 6%
Shamans (Flametongue Totem) 6%

+3% to all damage
Arcane Mages (Arcane Tactics)
Beast Master Hunters (Ferocious Inspiration)
Retribution Paladins (Communion)

+5% to all base stats
Druids (Mark of the Wild)
Paladins (Blessing of Kings)

+Strength and Agility
Shamans (Strength of Earth Totem)
Death Knights (Horn of Winter)
Warriors (Battle Shout)

+Stamina (Provides X Stamina)
Priests (PW:Fortitude)
Warriors (Commanding Shout)

+Max Mana (Provides X maximum mana)
Mages (Arcane Brilliance)
Warlock's Pet (Fel Intelligence)

Shamans (Stoneskin Totem)
Paladins (Devotion Aura)

Spell Pushback Resist
Paladins (Concentration Aura)
Shamans (Totem of Tranquil Mind)

Armor Debuff
Rogues (Expose Armor)
Warriors (Sunder Armor)
Druids (Faerie Fire)

+30% bleed damage
Feral Druid (Mangle (Bear)/Mangle (Cat))
Subtlety Rogues (Hemorrhage)
Arms Warriors (Trauma)

-20% melee haste debuff
Feral Druids (Infected Wounds)
Death Knights (Frost Fever)
Protection Warriors (Thunder Clap)
Shamans (Earth Shock)

+8% magic damage debuff
Warlocks (Curse of the Elements)
Balance Druids (Earth and Moon)
Unholy Death Knights (Ebon Plaguebringer)

Healing Debuff
Rogues (Wound Poison)
Arms Warriors (Mortal Strike)
Hunters (Widow Venom)

-10% physical damage output debuff
Warlocks (Curse of Weakness)
Feral Druids (Demoralizing Roar)
Warriors (Demoralizing Shout)

30% Cast Speed debuff
Warlocks (Curse of Tongues)
Arcane Mages (Slow)
Rogues (Mind-Numbing Poison)
Death Knights (Necrotic Strike)
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Some of the spell groups still stack but some of them act correctly. V11