Well, he werid guy, after mention these 3 links in small discussion about pandawow with other user (without any breaking any server rules or offensive words and etc)
He banned me, and guy i talk with, as he said: "idi nahui, otsuda ban", "poka bb"
My other twink got banned when i ask what happend in this channel, he said: "Free ban"
Without saying why and etc. he banned twink
Suggest to avoid his bot\software 'projects' possible affillated with admins
- https://vk.com/imlaiwbs <- wowcircle\pandawow ; zeox\n0n4m3
He banned me, and guy i talk with, as he said: "idi nahui, otsuda ban", "poka bb"
My other twink got banned when i ask what happend in this channel, he said: "Free ban"
Without saying why and etc. he banned twink
Suggest to avoid his bot\software 'projects' possible affillated with admins