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[LFH] Project-WarAxe 4.0.6


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
I am looking for some testers for a new project 4.0.6 server that is aimed at x4 rates. PM me.

I also am looking to pay for a website developer to setup a website exclusively for the core because well most cms don't support old versions lol! You can PM me as well!

WarAxe Cataclysm will be the only 4.0.6 server in 2020/2021 and I have a developed core already that is open.

List of fixes so far
Dungeon Finder has been updated, It now functions and locks dungeons based on the dungeons item lvl requirement and displays your current item level.
Many class spells/talents have been updated and or fixed.
Dungeon spawns have been fixed most of them had double spawns or spawn data still from wotlk.
Battleground Experience is implemented.
Vashj'ir is in a functional questable state.
Worgen area was rescripted is 100% completable and tested.
Currency disappearing on logout was fixed. You no longer lose currency on logout/disconnect etc.
Many database errors.

and many more. But to fix more our team needs testers so please feel free to PM.


As you can see there is no dungeon journal or raid finder as this was added later in cataclysm.

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