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LF players to bugtest my TBC server


Verified Member
Hello guys, me and my friend are working to create a 100% bugfree TBC server but would need some help to bugtest everything,

Right now we are looking for people that would like to help us by playing on our server and look for bugs in spells, quests,displayID etc while playing, we got a server up and running so everything you need to do if interested is to join my skype: Danilo.naid45 and I will create a TestAccount for you to play on and then you just need to login and start play. You are also welcome to add me if you got any questions or something like that about the server.

The best would be if you got experience from the real TBC time and know how it was playing then and how everything should be but we are thankful for all the help we can get

Best Regards/ DN


Verified Member
unfortunately no, cmangos stop developed it. Some mangos repos still working on fixing everything. Me and my friend decide to speed things up and make a full working tbc server. by our self. but testing along will take long time. we soon have all startzones 100% working.