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LF a Sponsor


Verified Member
Hello everybody, here i'm to lf a sponsor for a 5.4.8 blizzlike server, lets go with questions and answers!

- What type of sponsor do you want?

I want a sponsor to pay the developers of the server.

- What level of RoI (Return on Investment) that the sponsor will be getting and how long will it take for them to get it back (approximately)?

Soon we get donations, i can't provide an aproximate time and we are thinking to implement a percentages payment.

- How you actually intend to generate your revenue?

With donor gear and things that can't be founded in game, like thunderfury to xmog.

-What is going to make your server standout/How is it going to be different from every other server?

If you have it developed we can get players with all social networks.

- Exactly what type of server it will be, not just 5.4.8 but will it be a blizzlike, highrate, instant 90/PvE or PvP based and other things like that?

Soon we'll have all developed and i "want" that be PVE and opcional PVP, 5.4.8 with low rates like x8

If you are interested, please PM me.

Best Regards!!


Trial Member
- How you actually intend to generate your revenue?

With donor gear and things that can't be founded in game, like thunderfury to xmog.

That is extremely unreliable. I don't think you realize how much developers are paid for stuff like this. If you expect to be able to pay back sponsors with donation money, you should think again.


Verified Member
damned guys just complain, here on ac-web lordcraft, fuck this forums and guys, i'm fed up!