Game project Legiondep, is ready to share their source code for a fee.
By gaining access to the repository, you get the opportunity to use the source code of the game emulator, get the latest innovations, changes and fixes, including the database.
After payment and processing of your request by the administration, a letter will be sent to the specified e-mail about access to the repository in Bitbucket.
In addition, you are guaranteed to be able to get instructions for use and start-up, as well as help with installation and operation, if necessary (contact us for this).
This fee is 3200 $ for the purchase + access to the repository for the duration of the month
When buying, we are ready to process your bug reports, implement your ideas, and also help you install and configure them.
Sources are offered together with the base of the world and hotfixes
You can try this kernel on the game project Legiondep.com
Payment is accepted in any convenient way.
Contact Skype: dev.notch
Email: admin@legiondep.com
Site: http://legiondep.com
Site developer: http://dev.legiondep.com
Discord: Notch#3506
Price: 3200$/moth