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Legion Server 7.3.5 - Solocraft - Instant 110 - PVP/PVE


Retired CM and SQL/C++ Dev
Veteran Member
Verified Member
Legion Server 7.3.5
Legion Server offers a unique 7.3.5 experience including client download. We currently have a small playerbase but continue to grow slowly but surely, with staff trying to provide 24/7 player support and making sure the experience is as you would expect from a team of motivated and passionate developers and gamemasters.
We also have a VERY exciting summer update coming soon, including 10 zones remade completely with quest fixes!​

These are some of our features:​
* Adjustable experience reates.
* Character boost for new players.
* Solo dungeon finder
* Random enchantments
* Increased drop rates
* AH Bot​

* NEW *​
Recently we implemented a 'Gold to Battlecoin' system. This means that gold will have a value on our server as you can convert gold to our own currency called: 'Battle Coins'. The Battle Coin shop has tons of items like: mounts, pets, character boosts and services, armor and weapons from previous expansions, heirlooms and MUCH MORE!
We do have a donation option on our server but players won't be able to buy Battle Coins with it! We want don't this to be a Pay 2 Win free environment!​

Donation perks:​
* Ingame chat badge
* Cosmetic rewards
More perks coming soon!​

The players that are currently active on the server have provides us daily, detailed feedback. Based on these reports we are trying to improve our server every single day. We are also working on implementing new features and custom zones for you to explore really soon!

Discord: Legion server
Site: Legion Server - WoW Private Server

SET Portal "Legionserver.co.uk"

Population: 10-50

We hope to see you soon!

Legion Server Team
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