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Legion Repacks i could use for a Project Start?


Trial Member
Basefiles we could use for a Project Start?

Hi there,

i have been Project-Leader on several P-Servers.

X-Realms - One of the biggest german servers of its time and another quiete successful other project was Shattrath City Server.

But all of this was quiete some time ago. So i could use a little helping hand. Mostly with pointing a direction. I have seen that Monster-WoW is running on Legion, and i went to test it already. What i like most of that idea is, that it is using the new graphics engine. So my question is, are there any working basic files we can start with and build upon it?

I reactivated my main developer of the old times already and before we start, i want to assure that he has as little work as even possible. We are a very small team at the moment, but to grow, we need to show that we are capable of it. So yeah, if i could get some hints where to start, i would be very happy.

Some more detailed questions i have:

  • Wich is the best emu for 4.3.4+ content at the moment.
  • Is Legion an option for a small team.
  • Which is the most active forum besides emucoach right now, mainly to have just another place to look around and relearn.

I hope you people can help me out a little.

Greetings from Germany
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Trial Member
I have to correct myself, because my dev wants to compile everything by himself. So of course we do not need a repack.