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LEGION CORE | New Project | Recruit Developers


Verified Member
We are recriuit developers for Legion PvP/PVE content (raids / dungeons bosses) or SmartScripts for questings / zones / instances / etc .
Because we want quality, we have few strict requirements:
- You must know C++ (and SQL where needed) at a medium/advanced level
- You must have worked with TrinityCore wow emulator before and know your way around it
If you are interested please send PM me with info about what you know to do and what have you done until now.

What is done for moment :
Vanila , TBC , Wotlk : Leveling Zone Quest/Dungeon/Raid - 90 % Done
Cataclysm,Mop : Leveling Zone Quest/Dungeon/Raid - 80% Done
Wod : Leveling Zone Quest/Dungeon/Raid -65% Need more attention
Legion : Leveling Zone Quest/Dungeon/Raid - 55% Need more attention
Class Spell : 75 % Need high attention

Server is in Alpha stadium .

WARNING! For Paymant we are not interested in offers from those not knowing what TrinityCore is and how to work with it or haven't scripted any PVE bosses before. WE ONLY WANT QUALITY WORK, if you don't know how to script at least 90% of a PVE boss (which is not just copy/past or cast cast and script done) don't bother sending PM.

After Beta to Live Realm we will make a Blizzlike Server x5 Realm ,so stay tuned !

Also we need 7 Tester for test start zone all quest , dunegon ,etc .
You whant to bee teste leave a PM .
WARNING! Tester need know how to make a issues on github .