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[LEGION] 7.3.5 ObsVrae Server


Trial Member


ObsVrae is a World of Warcraft Legion server in version 7.3.5.

Now think: "Another Legion server, great ...". Well, here's the thing. There are other Legion servers also with great content, but we are not just our content. Our community will be very important to us. Our staff goes through a series of tests to show that they are able to be as enjoyable and supportive as possible. We have different divisions that are separated to guarantee greater efficiency.

How are we so important to the community?
Why do I talk about this instead of the server? We will talk about the server in a moment, but first we must talk about why our staff is a big part of our community and why we will love our community so much.
Our staff is what makes a great experience in the game, or at least a large part of it. We believe that staff members should not have a bad attitude. Our players will be the foundation of our community, and we would not have the incredible opportunity to make a great community for other people to be part of it. We are dedicating time and effort to create an environment in which they can be a part of it. Not just for the content or the fun, but to meet the incredible people who can be in it.

Remember, we are all a family, and we need to take care of each other.

We are currently in a closed ALFA, so we are still developing. We really want to offer such a large community so that everyone can participate. We want you to have fun as much as possible, and for this we need to make sure that all our content is as error-free as possible. We are working on fixing the most common problems and much more content.


Our Website (In development)

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Our Discord


Trial Member

New news is coming!

From ObsVrae we are pleased to announce a date for the opening of our open ALPHA.
With this we intend to open the kingdom to the entire public, with the fact of being able to receive a greater number of reports, covering all aspects of the game and we can work on solving all this. So also to start giving users a first contact and experience with us.

The server will be launched on June 15, 2018 as an open ALPHA, as stated earlier. At the moment only the Alpha Testers and the ObsVrae Team have access. We work day by day on the server and in the preparations for that day.​

We also leave you the changelog of this week:


#2 – Self-accepting missions have been changed to manually accept.
#9#16 – Spells already appear in the bar when creating character.
#21 – Minor visual corrections.
# – Fixed the movements of several NPCs.


#1 – The Shadow Grave
#3 – The Wakening
#4 – Beyond the Graves
#5#7 – Scourge on our Perimeter
#6 – Assault on the Rotbrain Encampment
#8 – Ever So Lonely
#10 – Variety is the Spice of Death
#11 – Gordo's Task
#12 – A Scarlet Letter
#13 – Johaan's Experiment
#14 – A Putrid Task
#24 – Something's Amiss
#27 – Salvage the Supplies
#28 – Royal Orders


# – Children's Week no longer appears if it aren’t in event.
# – Hallow's End no longer appears if it aren’t in event.
# – Midsummer Fire Festival no longer appears if it aren’t in event.
# – Noblegarden no longer appears if it aren’t in event.
# – Pilgrim's Bounty no longer appears if it aren’t in event.
# – Brewfest no longer appears if it aren’t in event.
# – Darkmoon Faire no longer appears if it aren’t in event.
# – Lunar Festival no longer appears if it aren’t in event.
# – Love is in the Air no longer appears if it aren’t in event.
# – Feast of Winter Veil no longer appears if it aren’t in event.
# – Pirates' Day no longer appears if it aren’t in event.


#15#19 – Many corrections in Gilneas.
# – Correction of several NPCs in Tirisfal Glades.
# – Correction of several NPCs in Undercity.
# – Correction of several NPCs and objects of Isle of Conquest.
# – Correction of several NPCs and objects from Strand of the Ancients.


# – Corrections in dungeons and bands of Draenor.
# – Corrections in World Bosses of Broken Islands.


#9#17 – Summon Imp is unlocked at the level 5.
#35 – Soul Leech is unlocked at the level 34.


# – Correction in talent Firestarter.