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Legion 26972 Minimal Client CDN


Trial Member
Hello guys,
first of all, i don´t post much into Forums, so i´m not that good in foramting and stuff like that.

-- Description --
I have set up a CDN server for Legion 7.3.5 (26972). The webserver itself does not block users from accessing the file structure, so u are free to explore the CDN and, if you know how to, fetch the data from it to setup your own CDN.

If you are just here to get a working minimal client which you can use for you´r P-Server project or to join an existing P-Server, you can find the download link under the links headline.

Please keep in mind that it only works for the final Legion build 26972.

I also testet it with one exe (obviusly the one i provide here).

-- Links --
CDN webserver
7.3.5 Minimal Client