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Legendary WoW 1.12.1 True Blizzlike


Veteran Member

Welcome to the thread for Legendary WoW. We are a strictly blizzlike 1.12.1 wow server. Do you ever just miss the classic wow ? Before all of the extras came into play ? When playing WoW was actually a challenge ? Then come and play wow in its glory days.

Server Information :

All XP Rates : x1
Server Category : PVP
AHBOT (Only until population increases)
Playerbot (Only until population increases)
Dedicated Server
NO DONATIONS AT ALL (Only Friendly Contributions accepted soon to come....)
Old school blizzlike website ( Still under construction but can register and such as well as vote. )
99% Uptime

We figured, if we run a classic wow server, why not run a classic wow website right along with it. Anyhow, no need to post percentage of what works and what doesn't because no server is 100% bug free. We will address bugs as they are made known to the staff. Also, we added a playerbot and AHBot just temporarily until the population of the server increases and players can enjoy the server together.

Thanks everyone for viewing this, we will post a video soon of the server, and hopefully players in the video enjoying the server.


Enjoy guys