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Legacy C++ programmer / Gamer


Trial Member
Hello all. Found my way here when looking to play sandbox of WOW MOP 5.4.8

Hoping someone will be able to point me in the right direction with an authentication issue I have for MOP 5.4.8 where the auth and server are running but there seems to be a handshake issue between client and authentication server.

Been dabbling in WoW Sandbox servers since 2009 and got Vanilla 1.12.1, TBC 2.4.3, WoTLK 3.3.5, and Cata 4.3.4 working prior to this.

It seems like if your able to get them working sooner to when they were released you deal with less troubles than deciding to do so a few years later when dependency versions change and it was built specifically for certain versions of dependencies.

Been programming since 1985 in Basic and in mid 90s got into C and C++. Then thru the years many other languages like Perl, PHP, and Python. My recent language is Rust which is rather interesting due to its tight memory controls it has when setting up. After years of people coding like there is unlimited RAM Rust brings back that feel of coding in the 1980s when you only had so much memory however today its by choice to be memory efficient vs forced limitation by hardware limitations.

I like to sandbox wow and explore it all as well as I will fork it and make for custom configurations where for example Vanilla, TBC, and WoTLK have mail boxes added at all starting areas to be able to send money and items quickly to a new level 1 as well as I have made custom NPC vendors to sell items that are hard to acquire when its just yourself playing and no economy with auction house. The playbot stuff that have been coming out though for wow has made for a whole new level of fun in that you dont have to solo stuff with altered gear stats to not die and can run dungeons etc and quest as if playing with others, however some of the bots are pretty troublesome and so using the teleport feature and skull tag in macros to quickly grab a wandering bot or tell the bots what to attack is a plus by clicking on a target and then selecting the skull macro which bots attack the skull to whatever if skull tagged and attackable.
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