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KTC Headquarters/goblin start area


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These are a few problems i noted so far in V10 some are a carry over form V9.1 but most are new

[Location, Faction, Race] KTC Headquarters, Goblin , start area

[Quest] The New You

[Problem Description] You can't buy the any of the items needed for the quest as they don't exist in the relevant inventories (which are blank)


[Location, Faction, Race] KTC Headquarters, Goblin, start area

[Quest/Problem Description] When you complete the quest "Rolling With My Hommies" and turn it in you get an error saying "you don't meet the requirements for that quest" .. at which point it tries to give you a new quest
"Report For Tryouts" ... when you accept this quest it gives you the same error "you don't meet the requirements for that quest" and the quest disappears .. not in your log and the person Meg Dreadshredder i think she is doesn't have it anymore.


[Location, Faction, Race] KTC Headquarters, that mine below KTC Headquarters, Goblin

[Quest] Trouble In The Mines – Kill eight Tunnel Worms

[Problem Description] while it first occurred first on this quest.. well not a error exactly but "smite" misses excessively .. on targets the same level .. not 4-5+ levels higher. I often get between 2 and up to 4 misses in a row with "smite".
It's not just confined to these areas either, later on when you have to kill the skull guys on the map after talking to them i cast smite on the first one it missed, hit the second time then missed the 3rd and 4th time... this happened exactly the same on the the 3rd guy i attacked .. on the second it was hit, miss, hit.

I tried a couple of other classes in the same area and didn't have the same trouble, there is something wrong with the smite spell. I also tried the same area in full BoA and it din't effect the amount of time the smite spelled misses :S


Also the "Hot Rod" you get from the quest "Rolling With My Homies" has a spell in slot one that is supposed to increase your speed by 50% for a period of time, it actually slows the "Hot Rod" down and even after it has worn off it is still slower. You have to exit vehicle and use the key to summon another one to fix it. don't really need it but it's best not to use it as it slows you down.

I downloaded V10 on 22/01/2019 so it's the lastest version

i will continue to test this area this afternoon and leave any bug reports i find.


Gold Supporter
[Location, Faction, Race] Goblin, Lost Isles

[Quest] Town-In-A-Box:Uneder Attack

[Problem Description] you can't complete the quest as they down attack the town. You have to use the console to complete it. When you do oddly there are dead warriors everywhere.. so maybe wrong phase? Maybe if you change the quest or make it autocomplete if it can't be fixed so that it's possible to complete the goblin start zone/quest chain without having to have GM privileges to fix it. (that is after "[Quest] The New You" is fixed in V10, worked in V9.1 but now it breaks the quest chain as well)


[Location, Faction, Race] Goblin, Lost Isles

[Quest] Goblin Escape Pods – Search and rescue six goblins who are trapped in their escape pods

[Problem Description] While the quest is able to be completed when you click on some of the Ecape Pods you can keep clicking them until you finish the quest ... they don't disappear like they did in V9.1


[Location, Faction, Race] Goblin, Lost Isles

[Quest] To The Cliffs – Accepting the quest will automatically put players on Bastia. She will stop just north of the Alliance Beachhead, next to Scout Brax.

[Problem Description] Turns Bastia into a vehicle you can ride, which you can ride anywhere. It's supposed to be like "Accepting the quest will automatically put players on Bastia. She will stop just north of the Alliance Beachhead, next to Scout Brax." .. worked in V9.1


[Location, Faction, Race] Goblin, Lost Isles

[Quest] Bilgwater Cartel Represent – Destroy 12 Naga Banners, replacing them with Bilgewater Cartel Banners.

[Problem Description] some of the banners (i remember where at least one is i can screen shot it if needed) don't change but let you keep clicking them until you finish the quest.


Gold Supporter
[Location, Faction, Race] Goblin, Lost Isles

[Quest] Forward Movement – Speak With Kilag again. Simply follow the path through the Vicious Vale up to the Savage Glen and the Wild Overlook.

[Problem Description] Kilag and the guys from the "Weed Whacker – Use your belt’s Weed Whacker tool to take out 100 plants for Kilag." quest are still on the road where they were from this quest. After the "Back To Aggra – Speak with Aggra back at the Horde Base Camp." quest they are supposed to be gone from there and Kilag is in new location where you turn in Forward Movement quest.


[Location, Faction, Race] Goblin, Lost Isles

[Quest] A Goblin In Shark’s Clothing – Use the Mechashark X-Stream to slay The Hammer.

[Problem Description] I couldn't get the sub to go underwater it just floats on top and also you can drive it around on land.


[Location, Faction, Race] Goblin, Lost Isles

[Problem Description] You get no breath bar when under water in Lost Isles, you should. (was working in V9.1)


[Location, Faction, Race] Goblin, Lost Isles

[Problem Description] The Spiney Raptors above Town-In-A-Box never loose aggro, their range is infinite. Even if you run completely across the other side of the island (don't know if water stops them haven't tried, will later. but they never loose aggro otherwise)


Gold Supporter
[Location, Faction, Race] Goblin, Lost Isles

[Quest] Wild Mine Cart Ride – Simply ride the cart to the end and then speak with Greely.

[Problem Description] The mine cart is supposed to take you to the end point on the tracks. It jsut turns in to a vehicle which you can control and drive anywhere on or off the rails and also goes so slow you can't make the jump over the gap in the rails (worked in V9.1)


[Location, Faction, Race] Goblin, Lost Isles

[Quest] Final Confrontation – Get into your Ultimate Footbomb Uniform and show the Trade Prince the error of his ways.

[Problem Description] When you beat the prince it doesn't recognize you completed the quest in the quest log... doesn't show completed or show the turn in question mark on map. if you hover your mouse over the Trade Prince the little tool tip says it's 1/1


[Location, Faction, Race] Goblin, Durotar

[Quest] Warcheif’s Emissary – You are required to deliver a package to Thrall’s Kor’kron friend on the docks at Bladefist Bay. Speak with Sassy to being your voyage.

[Problem Description] When it teleports you to durotar it puts you in the water off the dock instead of on the boat like it's supposed to (worked in V9.1)


Gold Supporter

Update V10.1

These quests/problems are still broken in V10.1 making it impossible to complete the Goblin start area


Gold Supporter
I played with the database earlier and you can fix the worst problems that stop you from being able to complete the goblin quest chain/start area if you modify these things. ( i would make .sql patch file but i don't know how yet only strted playing with it a few hours ago)


## Quest ## The New You


you need to add three new rows with this information in them


## Quest ## Town-In-A-Box: Under Attack

24901 ( ID ) Method from 2 => 0
Flags from 8 => 65544
=> makes quest autocomplete atm until figure out how to fix it properly so quest chain / start zone can be finished


## Quest ## Throw It On the Ground!



39194 entry 52481 item change chanceOrQuestchance from -9.8 or whatever it was to 100
will make Blastshadow drop his soul stone
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Thanks will have a look. Just new to emulation just teaching myself how to do stuff. I will download the repack and see what i can do (haven't played with it since my hd died)

There is some other bugs in the goblin start area will be looking into fixing as i learn more but you can play through the goblin start area without needing to be a GM to get past the bugged quest's i listed above. It's handy if you play with friends/other people as you don't have to fix it for all of them , they can just work their way through. For me wanted to be able to play through it to keep immersion.
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