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Just Another Noob


Trial Member
Good morning to you all!

I'd been thinking about setting up a server for some years, but there's always been one thing or another distracting me. Well, now I'm retired and disabled, so I have lots and lots of time to invest in doing it.

I first started playing WoW shortly after the second expansion came out (I can never remember which one came second, and I'm too damned lazy to look it up just now), and finally dropped out last fall. They decided to, as Jim Sterling puts it, make players into payers. I don't mind paying, but I expect to get more, not less, fun as I pay for new expansions.

After spending many hours trying to learn the best way to set something up for myself (none of my friends are into computer games--can you believe it?), and it looks to me like this is the place to be, so I paid for VIP with little hesitation. Only time will tell, if I've made a wise choice. heh.

Cataclysm will probably be what I start with...because it's had more time to get the kinks worked out. MoP is my true goal, however...it's just so beautiful! I guess I'd better get to work on this...it won't download and setup on its own.

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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Good morning to you all!

I'd been thinking about setting up a server for some years, but there's always been one thing or another distracting me. Well, now I'm retired and disabled, so I have lots and lots of time to invest in doing it.

I first started playing WoW shortly after the second expansion came out (I can never remember which one came second, and I'm too damned lazy to look it up just now), and finally dropped out last fall. They decided to, as Jim Sterling puts it, make players into payers. I don't mind paying, but I expect to get more, not less, fun as I pay for new expansions.

After spending many hours trying to learn the best way to set something up for myself (none of my friends are into computer games--can you believe it?), and it looks to me like this is the place to be, so I paid for VIP with little hesitation. Only time will tell, if I've made a wise choice. heh.

Cataclysm will probably be what I start with...because it's had more time to get the kinks worked out. MoP is my true goal, however...it's just so beautiful! I guess I'd better get to work on this...it won't download and setup on its own.

Welcome to the forums.
You stated you purchased VIP, yet I noticed your forum rank has yet to change. Sometimes the automation bugs out, and you will need to send ExO a private message containing your transaction ID and your paypal email so that he can confirm your purchase and set you up with the proper VIP rank.

Hopefully you get that sorted out soon. And I don't blame you for dropping out from retail. Blizzard appears to be making a somewhat good effort on the game lately, but it's still Blizzard, so we'll see how long that lasts.

Last thing; The 2nd expansion for WoW is Wrath of the Lich King, which we provide a repack for as well, but to be honest, I can't stand the way Orgrimmar looks as a pro-horde. I started around early to mid Cataclysm, so I'm a bit biased against the old Orgrimmar.