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Jaximus WoW - Cataclysm 4.3.4 Private Server


Verified Member
Jaximus WoW - Cataclysm 4.3.4

Currently I am looking for people who are willing to be testers for the server as I am still working on getting it to be somewhat stable!

The server is public and if you are interested in joining it then please either comment below or you can join me over on my discord which will be linked below.

Specifications of the server that Jaximus is hosted on:
  • 12GB RAM
  • 100GB HDD to minimise the chance of lag while users are playing
  • Windows 2012 Server

As stated above I am looking for people whom are willing to test the server and help me find out any errors which may occur while you are playing;
  • Helping to reach the maximum potential of the server
  • You will be able to invite your own friends if you wish in order to play (going through dungeons and questing) as this can be boring by yourself!

What the server does have to offer:
  • Looking for GM's who will be able to help other players in-game and out
  • The server will be Blizzlike (although you will be able to choose the rate you gain xp)
  • Balanced PVP
  • Balanced PVE
  • Hard Working Developer(s)
  • Will add in custom content if users request
  • Looking to gain a balanced community on Horde & Alliance factions
  • Level Cap 85

If you have any more questions or ideas on how it could be improved then feel free to join our discord and ask away!

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/ZBVymjU