- 188
- 2017
- 13
- Location
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Repack version: 8.0
-- ItemID: 1006 Brass Collar
-- QuestID: 88 Princess Must Die! - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest.
-- NPCID: 330 Princess
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DELETE FROM `conditions` WHERE `SourceGroup` = 330 AND `SourceEntry` = 1006 AND `ConditionValue1` = 88;
INSERT INTO `conditions` (`SourceTypeOrReferenceId`, `SourceGroup`, `SourceEntry`, `SourceId`, `ElseGroup`, `ConditionTypeOrReference`, `ConditionTarget`, `ConditionValue1`, `ConditionValue2`, `ConditionValue3`, `NegativeCondition`, `ErrorType`, `ErrorTextId`, `ScriptName`, `Comment`) VALUES
(1, 330, 1006, 0, 1, 9, 0, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'Creature Loot, only drop if player has quest');
DELETE FROM `conditions` WHERE `SourceGroup` = 330 AND `SourceEntry` = 1006 AND `ConditionValue1` = 330;
INSERT INTO `conditions` (`SourceTypeOrReferenceId`, `SourceGroup`, `SourceEntry`, `SourceId`, `ElseGroup`, `ConditionTypeOrReference`, `ConditionTarget`, `ConditionValue1`, `ConditionValue2`, `ConditionValue3`, `NegativeCondition`, `ErrorType`, `ErrorTextId`, `ScriptName`, `Comment`) VALUES
(1, 330, 1006, 0, 1, 29, 1, 330, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'Creature Loot, only happen if creature distance is 20');