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Issues in Swamp of Sorrows (VIP V4)


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As you can tell, I'm still levelling my Human Warlock :)

Just been through Swamp of Sorrows and really only had 2 issues:

Quest 27600 (In With a Bang) - Lil' Crazy Jerry is next to the cannon (83.6, 37.9) but has no options on his interaction to load/fire the cannon - had to GM complete the quest

Quest 27740 (Baba Bogbrew) - follow up to above, the NPC, Lil' Crazy Daisy, is next to the cannon (82.9, 41.1) but has no interaction option to load/fire the cannon and progress the quest.
Had to walk to the target NPC (69.1, 76.5) and could hand it in

Apart from that, around 59, 45, whilst doing a bunch of quests to kill the Stonard mobs (27795, 27849, 27822, 27821 etc), there are *way* too many mobs,.
Some of the Stonard Ogres, for instance, have 10+ standing on the same pixel.
It would have been impossible to solo but with a bot tank and healer it was all easy :)
Anyway, looks like overspawn to me - this was just after a server crash/reboot too.