It's definitely possible, but I think it has only been done from WoD to Cataclysm. I doubt the BFA models are converted yet. (I could be wrong though)
Thanks for the reply! Will keep an eye out for any BFA model conversion. I decided to go with WoD models in the meantime. =)
Speaking of which, would you happen to know a solution to "this account has been temporarily suspended"?
I replaced one file in WoW 4.3.4\Data\Cache to update the models. The .EXE that came with this file is the only one that has the "temporarily suspended" error; the original 4.3.4 .EXE still alows login, though the models aren't updated.
Using WoD patch here -
[RELEASE] Wod Models [4.3.4]
EDIT: Nvm, I got it working somehow. My next problem is would you happen to know if the WoD models apply only to the Player character? My character in-game has the updated model but all the NPC's are vanilla Cataclysm.
Perhaps I should start a new post for this? Haha