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Instant 85 Alpha Testers


Silver Supporter
I am looking for participants to test my newly developed server. Currently need class testers. Spells, talents etc.

Anyone interested please feel free to respond here. Or PM me what you would like you account info to be and what class/spec you are interested in testing. I will remove the classes/specs that people want to test. Special rewards to testers once open beta is launched.

Classes/Specs needing testing:

- Deathknight
- Unholy
- Frost
- Blood
- Warrior
- Arms
- Fury
- Protection
- Paladin
- Holy
- Protection
- Hunter
- Beast Mastery
- Rogue
- Assassination
- Combat
- Subtlety
- Priest
- Discipline
- Holy
- Shadow
- Shaman
- Elemental
- Enhancement
- Restoration
- Mage
- Arcane
- Fire
- Frost
- Warlock
- Affliction
- Demonology
- Druid
- Balance
- Feral Combat
- Restoration