What is Inner-Realms?
Inner-Realms is a progressive PvE WoTLK server beginning at patch 3.0.x. Our goal is to not be the largest server, but to be the friendliest and most welcoming towards players and developers. Our staff and developers are dedicated to creating a truly great experience that is as blizzlike as possible. Our primary objective is to constantly dedicate ourselves to learning and improving the quality of our services.
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Discord Link
Reddit Post
The Basics
• 1x rates on everything (EXP/Quest EXP/Gold/ Reputation/Honor)
• RDF enabled on launch
• Heirlooms disabled until all Realm Firsts have been attained
• Donation/Vote shop for vanity items only. No “Pay to Win” items on the Donation/Vote store
And yes, you begin at level 1. Level up to 55 if you want to play DK.
What makes Inner-Realms different from other 3.3.5a Servers?
Inner-Realms has the following features that are uncommon on other servers.
• Revised Badge Drops for Progressive Content
• Blizzlike Patch Releases
• No "Pay to Win" items on Donation/Vote Store
• Direct lines of communication with Administration and Developers
• Dedicated Website and In-Game Support Systems
• Developer Training Program
Our goal before launch is to have at least 99% of the Northrend quests working. As of now, ALL Loremaster achievements are able to be earned in-game without any auto-completed quests, or GM assistance. We are continuing to test content, including quests, dungeons, raids, and more to ensure that we continue to update and provide the best quality we can.
The Launch
Let’s be honest, no server can launch bugless and neither can we launch the server in perfect condition. Inner Realms has been in development since April 2017 and although we have set in stone the launch date on February 23rd, the development staff is putting major resources towards fixing the critical issues before these bugs will affect the players.
However, we’re always on alert for those that manage to slip by. Let it be known that all bug reports will be seen by multiple eyeballs and the issues that will cause the greatest harm to players will be treated with importance.
What is your stance on donations?
Inner-Realms is operating as a non-profit project. Meaning that any monetary gain will be used to:
• Pay Server Hosting Fees
• Increase Server Quality by Hiring Developers
• Purchase Additional Server Space
We will aim to be as transparent as possible with our community regarding how community donations are spent.
What is the current status of the project?
Inner-Realms is currently in the live state. We are currently allowing anyone to create an account and join us in-game. We invite you to join us, and test out our spells, dungeons, quests, and over-all server mechanics. We are currently rewarding all confirmed valid bug reports with vote points, that can be used to purchase vanity pets, and TCG mounts and other fun cosmetic items.
Project Development
In an effort to be as transparent as possible, I’ve produced a list of our developer staff, their duties and experience:
• Jiinx – Database Admin (System Admin, Repository Admin, and Realm Maintenance) with over 8 years of working experience on TrinityCore and Linux experience since pre-2000’s.
• Olion – Senior Developer with over 7 years of experience developing TrinityCore as well as 2 years of experience working with Mangos.
• TarianDeath210 – Senior Developer
• Pook – Developer
• Exonation – Developer
The development staff is capable of addressing at least 80-95% of the current issues that are being dealt with in our bugtracker. At the same time, we’re training and actively recruiting developers to join the staff.
The Nitty Gritty
(1) Since the server is simulating patch 3.0.x, the following dungeons are available:
• Ahn'Kahet: The Old Kingdom
• Azjol-Nerub
• The Culling of Stratholme
• Drak'tharon Keep
• Gundrak
• Violet Hold
• The Nexus
• The Oculus
• Halls of Lightning
• Halls of Stone
• Utgarde Keep
• Utgarde Pinnacle
• Vault of Archavon (Archavon Only)
• The Obsidian Sanctum
• Naxxramas
• Eye of Eternity
Heroic and 10-man content will give Emblem of Heroism and 25-man content will give Emblem of Valor.
(2) The following dungeons will be closed upon release:
• Onyxia’s Lair
• Trial of the Champion
• Trial of the Crusader
• Ulduar
• Pit of Saron
• The Forge of Souls
• Halls of Reflection
• Icecrown Citadel
• The Ruby Sanctum
(3) Auction House fully functional.
(4) Guilds: Guild creation, Guild Charter, Guild Tabard design and creation, Guild Vault, Ranks, Bank-Tab Permissions, Repairs from Guild funds all working as intended.
(5) Arena Season and PvP:
a. As per patch 3.0.x, the server will begin with PvP Season 5 (“Hateful” equipment).
b. Arena season will start two weeks after launch.
c. All battlegrounds working as intended.
(6) Random Dungeon Finder:
a. Will reward Emblem of Heroism instead of Emblem of Triumph (at level 80).
b. Will be available at launch.
Further Inquiries
If you have any questions not answered here, please visit our discord and available staff members will answer you to the best of their abilities.
On the same note, our discord has a #staff_list page where you may find all current staff members and their roles in the project.
All information presented is subject to change with notification.
Inner-Realms is a progressive PvE WoTLK server beginning at patch 3.0.x. Our goal is to not be the largest server, but to be the friendliest and most welcoming towards players and developers. Our staff and developers are dedicated to creating a truly great experience that is as blizzlike as possible. Our primary objective is to constantly dedicate ourselves to learning and improving the quality of our services.
Website Link
Facebook Link
Discord Link
Reddit Post
The Basics
• 1x rates on everything (EXP/Quest EXP/Gold/ Reputation/Honor)
• RDF enabled on launch
• Heirlooms disabled until all Realm Firsts have been attained
• Donation/Vote shop for vanity items only. No “Pay to Win” items on the Donation/Vote store
And yes, you begin at level 1. Level up to 55 if you want to play DK.
What makes Inner-Realms different from other 3.3.5a Servers?
Inner-Realms has the following features that are uncommon on other servers.
• Revised Badge Drops for Progressive Content
• Blizzlike Patch Releases
• No "Pay to Win" items on Donation/Vote Store
• Direct lines of communication with Administration and Developers
• Dedicated Website and In-Game Support Systems
• Developer Training Program
Our goal before launch is to have at least 99% of the Northrend quests working. As of now, ALL Loremaster achievements are able to be earned in-game without any auto-completed quests, or GM assistance. We are continuing to test content, including quests, dungeons, raids, and more to ensure that we continue to update and provide the best quality we can.
The Launch
Let’s be honest, no server can launch bugless and neither can we launch the server in perfect condition. Inner Realms has been in development since April 2017 and although we have set in stone the launch date on February 23rd, the development staff is putting major resources towards fixing the critical issues before these bugs will affect the players.
However, we’re always on alert for those that manage to slip by. Let it be known that all bug reports will be seen by multiple eyeballs and the issues that will cause the greatest harm to players will be treated with importance.
What is your stance on donations?
Inner-Realms is operating as a non-profit project. Meaning that any monetary gain will be used to:
• Pay Server Hosting Fees
• Increase Server Quality by Hiring Developers
• Purchase Additional Server Space
We will aim to be as transparent as possible with our community regarding how community donations are spent.
What is the current status of the project?
Inner-Realms is currently in the live state. We are currently allowing anyone to create an account and join us in-game. We invite you to join us, and test out our spells, dungeons, quests, and over-all server mechanics. We are currently rewarding all confirmed valid bug reports with vote points, that can be used to purchase vanity pets, and TCG mounts and other fun cosmetic items.
Project Development
In an effort to be as transparent as possible, I’ve produced a list of our developer staff, their duties and experience:
• Jiinx – Database Admin (System Admin, Repository Admin, and Realm Maintenance) with over 8 years of working experience on TrinityCore and Linux experience since pre-2000’s.
• Olion – Senior Developer with over 7 years of experience developing TrinityCore as well as 2 years of experience working with Mangos.
• TarianDeath210 – Senior Developer
• Pook – Developer
• Exonation – Developer
The development staff is capable of addressing at least 80-95% of the current issues that are being dealt with in our bugtracker. At the same time, we’re training and actively recruiting developers to join the staff.
The Nitty Gritty
(1) Since the server is simulating patch 3.0.x, the following dungeons are available:
• Ahn'Kahet: The Old Kingdom
• Azjol-Nerub
• The Culling of Stratholme
• Drak'tharon Keep
• Gundrak
• Violet Hold
• The Nexus
• The Oculus
• Halls of Lightning
• Halls of Stone
• Utgarde Keep
• Utgarde Pinnacle
• Vault of Archavon (Archavon Only)
• The Obsidian Sanctum
• Naxxramas
• Eye of Eternity
Heroic and 10-man content will give Emblem of Heroism and 25-man content will give Emblem of Valor.
(2) The following dungeons will be closed upon release:
• Onyxia’s Lair
• Trial of the Champion
• Trial of the Crusader
• Ulduar
• Pit of Saron
• The Forge of Souls
• Halls of Reflection
• Icecrown Citadel
• The Ruby Sanctum
(3) Auction House fully functional.
(4) Guilds: Guild creation, Guild Charter, Guild Tabard design and creation, Guild Vault, Ranks, Bank-Tab Permissions, Repairs from Guild funds all working as intended.
(5) Arena Season and PvP:
a. As per patch 3.0.x, the server will begin with PvP Season 5 (“Hateful” equipment).
b. Arena season will start two weeks after launch.
c. All battlegrounds working as intended.
(6) Random Dungeon Finder:
a. Will reward Emblem of Heroism instead of Emblem of Triumph (at level 80).
b. Will be available at launch.
Further Inquiries
If you have any questions not answered here, please visit our discord and available staff members will answer you to the best of their abilities.
On the same note, our discord has a #staff_list page where you may find all current staff members and their roles in the project.
All information presented is subject to change with notification.