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Infamous WoW | 2.4.3 | 3.3.5 | 4.3.4 | 5.4.8


Trial Member
Welcome !
We have put a lot of work into this server it has been a work inprogress for over a year. We just recently opened up to the public. Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria are fresh added, we are waiting for your feedback. Official launch date is set for July 1 2014, tho Mists of Pandaria will remain in Beta/Test mode for a bit longer since 5.4.8 was released couple weeks ago on Blizzard Official Servers we'd like to fix the bugs then to open it officially rather than open it officially and give you bad experience because of bugs

We offer you 4 expansions, TBC, WRATH, CATA, and MOP 5.4.8. Curently we have one realm per expansion. They are set at high rate, this will change once we are populated we will be breaking them all into 4 realms each, and expand from there.
Here is some info about the realms :

The Burning Crusade 2.4.3
Realmlist : SET realmlist logon.infamouswow.com

Realm name : Area 51
Rates :
Realm Experience : x20
Drop : Normal x10 | Uncommon x10 | Rare x9 | Epic x8 | Legendary x5 | Artifact x5 | Money : x10
Honor : x10
Reputation : x10

Professions :
Rate : x10
Chance : Orange = 100% Yellow = 75% Green = 50% Grey = 10%

Flight Paths : All are available and are instant
Winning Duel : 50 honor points
Player bots : Enabled (a guide about how the use this command you will find in our forum)

Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5

Realmlist : SET realmlist logon.infamouswow.com
Realm name : Lich King
Rates :
Realm Experience : x20
Drop : Normal x10 | Uncommon x10 | Rare x9 | Epic x8 | Legendary x5 | Artifact x5 | Money : x10
Honor : x10
Reputation : x10

Professions :
Rate : x10
Chance : Orange = 100% Yellow = 75% Green = 50% Grey = 10%

Flight Paths : All are available and are instant
Winning Duel : 50 honor points

Cataclysm 4.3.4

Realmlist : SET realmlist logon.infamouswow.com

Realm name : Twilight
Rates :
Realm Experience : x20
Drop : Normal x10 | Uncommon x10 | Rare x9 | Epic x8 | Legendary x5 | Artifact x5 | Money : x10
Honor : x10
Reputation : x10

Professions :
Rate : x10
Chance : Orange = 100% Yellow = 75% Green = 50% Grey = 10%

Flight Paths : All are available and are instant
Winning Duel : 50 honor points

Mists of Pandaria 5.4.8
Realmlist : SET realmlist logon.infamouswow.com , if you dont have 5.4.8 client with cracked .exe download this launcher http://www.4shared.com/zip/FmijsUHBba/Infamous_WoW__1_.html

Realm name : MIST
Rates :
Realm Experience : x20
Drop : Normal x10 | Uncommon x10 | Rare x9 | Epic x8 | Legendary x5 | Artifact x5 | Money : x10
Honor : x10
Reputation : 10

Professions :
Rate : x10
Chance : Orange = 100% Yellow = 75% Green = 50% Grey = 10%

Flight Paths : All are available and are instant
Winning Duel : 50 honor points

Some more things
1st - Honor points win reward for duels ... about that on WTLK and TBC u get like ~1257 or something like that because of the old honor system with cap 40-50k honor, on the higher Cata and MoP in the other hand you get 50 honor per win. This will probably change according to the realm rates in order to balance BG and Duels
2nd - The server is totaly play-to-win, there is webshop but whatever can be bought with Donate Points the same can be bought with Vote Points
3rd - For those who want to know - Trinitycore

Website : Infamous WoW
Forum : Infamous WoW


I wish you the best of luck with the server!

Quite interesting to see a new MOP 5.4.8 server open, how about the bugs - have you worked a lot on fixing the bugs or how is the situation?


Trial Member
right now the team is focusing on fixing Cataclysm more than MOP because MoP is still in beta but Cata is offically started when all the found bugs in Cata are fixed then will move over the 5.4.8 MoP :)


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Good luck! Going to check it out once I get some sleep. So definitely coming by tomorrow! :)


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Was offline when I came by to check it out. Tell me once it's back up!(4.3.4)