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Inciting the Elements Quest in Hyjal crashing server

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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[Location, Faction, Race] Nordrassil, Mount Hyjal as Male Human Mage.
[Name, Type] NPC bug, also bugged dialogue
[Problem Description] For whatever reason, every now and then the NPC from the quest Inciting the Elements that spawns after giving a Faerie Dragon the Juniper Berry, the worldserver will crash. I couldn't get a screenshot in time of the worldserver when it crashed, but I did get a screenshot of errors when the NPC spawns during the quest:
As for the dialogue, here is a screenshot of its text:

[How it should work] The npc shouldn't crash the worldserver, and should also include the character's name in one of it's texts.

The ID of the NPC is '1553' I believe, and the entry is '39926'
SELECT * FROM creature_text WHERE entry = "39926";
This will select the text where it is. I tried my own fix but it didn't work apparently, so that's why I'm including it here.