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ImpactWoW | Different view of content | LF Dev's and Testers


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ImpactWoW - Recruitment

We need you!

General Information about us:
  • Core = Trinitycore rev: fd6368d55220+ /w Eluna Engine
  • DB = Trinitycore DB rev: 355:55
  • Hosting = Localhost machine running 8GB of RAM or Here is a link to the machine. We have a cloud server provided by Microsoft waiting for us.
  • Current Staff "by general alias" = nbrandwine (SQL Dev and Admin), justin7674 (Everything Dev and Admin), Kolakocide *me* (Core Dev, LUA Bug analysis, and Admin), and Fishy (Server manager and Head of Testing)
  • Main contact info = impactserverdocs@gmail.com and Skype (zachyo45 and nick.brandwine)
  • In-game content =
    Player start level 70. Player levels up 5 levels. Then completes the storyline quest and get's ranked up to 95. You can level up either from PVP or PVE and pvp will be simply modified so if we don't have a strong player base, it would still be a effective method of expansion. Due to custom content being entered into the core, the gear will all have upgrading methods at level 95. *All ideas are subject to change due to community involvement and staff involvement in our gameplay structure.* We have plans for a well compiled I80 Server as well, but the main idea was presented first. Our Server is also supposed to represent a Server that was made in 2008 - 2010 time. Both starting locations of the factions are in Azshara Crater. All content should be scripted in both of the languages below. Make sure you post suggestions and ideas. :)
What skill sets are we scrutinizing:
  • LUA Developer = Someone who can carefully review and compile scripted content using LUA language. 0/2
  • C++ Developer = Someone who can precisely review and compile scripted content using C++ language. 0/2
  • SQL Developer = Someone who uses MySQL editing applications with strong knowledge around compiling querys. 1/3
  • In-game Tester = A person who is whiling to go through every crack and crevasse of the in-game content that our team provides n' default world content. 3/8 *All staff generally participate in this*
Why join our team?:
  1. As being apart of OUR team, all work you've done is credited directly to you n' your skills.
  2. Feeling accepted is great isn't it? We involve Impact staff in every event that our team partakes in. N' your ideas and suggestions are something that is highly looked at! We're always willing to implement ideas that will provide a strong, suitable structure around our content in-game and out-game.
  3. As the work you compile is credited to you and your skills, why not be accepted for a parentage of the profits? All profits are split evenly between all staff. Even the Admin's and myself. Most of the income directly supports our community and providing great pushes of updates.
Ready to expand our team?:
  • If you want to learn more about what's already done or have any other questions. Use one of our contact methods! You will be introduced to the team in a well welcomed manor.
  • We don't have a application format due to us wanting to get to know you better from actively chatting. Some requirements are presented, but we think every person should have a equal chance to getting a position at Impact.
  • Not looking for support team "atm" due to server content isn't stable enough to have clients. No clients means, no tickets.

Hope to see you on our team!

ImpactWoW - Lets start an amazing journey!

- - - Request Info - - -

If you would like to learn more about this and the content that is going to be featured. Please make a post below stating so.


Sounds good kolakocide, I wish you the best of like finding what you need. :)


Verified Member
We've added two new realms. Entertaining Server and Educational

Educational= We use this realm to let people who want to learn more about WoW emulation development and in-game developing. Everyone who contacts my Skype and is highly interested in learning will be given a DB account. We've got tutorial's to get you started for development and where to begin. The core is a updated core w/ TDB 355:55 because 56 wasn't working. :S

Entertainment Server= A realm that uses UnforgivenCore and DB structures (W/ out old account tables). This realm is open for exploring and general gameplay. The people whom learn from the Educational realm are the people who are able to work on the DB and the core of the Server. As it is the next step to learning more about WoW Emulation. This will also allow the applicants from Educational to see the older world DB tables in action. But I've done my best to make the content less buggy and more stable.

Helios is the project that the current thread is based on. As this is ImpactWoW's legitimate project and ideas.
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Verified Member
We are keeping it up! Thanks for your general boosting comments. I will use them to seek the project farther and steadier. But the concept has changed and I am waiting till the Project Lead gets a roll on posting it on here. For now, I will let him get the current base stable until he does so. But the newer projects could use some lifts. :D


We are keeping it up! Thanks for your general boosting comments. I will use them to seek the project farther and steadier. But the concept has changed and I am waiting till the Project Lead gets a roll on posting it on here. For now, I will let him get the current base stable until he does so. But the newer projects could use some lifts. :D

I agree, posting and nice comments in general truly helps keeping the motivation up, and yes I think I've heard of that server, 255 if I remember right?


Verified Member
I agree, posting and nice comments in general truly helps keeping the motivation up, and yes I think I've heard of that server, 255 if I remember right?

Nah, it was a max level 85 server. Patch 406 and 434. You started at level 70 or 80 then you leveled up. Which was utterly simple. :p, but the content was glorious and I was going to ask you if you'd like to recreate that.


Nah, it was a max level 85 server. Patch 406 and 434. You started at level 70 or 80 then you leveled up. Which was utterly simple. :p, but the content was glorious and I was going to ask you if you'd like to recreate that.

Hmm I honestly don't think I can remember that server then, but it says me something atleast..