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Illuminated WoW Completely Customized instant 85 Experience Daily Updates


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Illuminated WoW


Proudpine Outpost:

Free-for-All Arena PvP Server

- Custom daily questing system.
- Earn Masonic Degrees for participating in world PvP.
- 2 Faction Specific Daily quest zones. Currently being redesigned.
- 2 Cross Faction Daily Arena PvP quest zones.
- 1 Daily World Arena PvP daily quest. 3 more being released this month.
- Cross faction Arenas and Battlegrounds.
- Cross faction grouping, questing and Chat.
- Daily quests to earn better gear are designed to promote World PvP and group based PvP. Currently all daily quests offer 200% Rewards until the player-base grows.

Castle Lightwolf:

Blizz-like x5 rates Server

- In development. Not expected to be available for Beta until mid 2017.

Currently this project has 2 members.

- Fornatas - Admin and Database Management - Owner
- Unholysoloer - Head GM and Forum Manager and Co-Owner
- Ravish - SQL Quest Developer
- Humanrogue - GM in training.

Available Volunteer Positions:

Please direct all applications to http://www.illuminatedwow.com/forum/

- Graphic Artist:
Website slider images, vote site banners, advertising images. + In game Tickets.

- Social Media Manager:
Facebook page management, Twitter management and general Social Media management.
+ In game Tickets.

- Forum Moderator:
Forum Management. + In game tickets.

- 4 Active In game GMs:
Player events, tickets and grievances.

Currently working on Patch 2.0.
- Migration to a newly compiled and tested Core.
- Completion of quest redesigns.
- Release of 3 Custom World PvP zones.


Silver Supporter
The long awaited Patch 2.0 is live.
Custom Daily Dungeon Added.
Completely redesigned Questing System.
Increased Hourly Play Rewards to 1000 Gold and 25 Masonic Degrees
Download our Patched Launcher and experience all Custom content fully. See Masonic Degre prices in the Masonic Armory.
We now have an Updated custom and compiled core.
More spell fixes than we can list individually.

A few notes from our Database Developer:
Rework of quests and more quests added.
Quests rewarding Masonic Degree changed for balancing of gear progression
Rework of Deathfists.
Rework of Uldum quests as well as more.
More details below.

instead of dailies from the get-go, you complete quests, and depending on quest objective, it is a daily.
Son of Xrags Name changed to Commander Zilganesh with new model id 15351 http://www.wowhead.com/npc=15277/anubisath-defender. Son of Xrag Retina changed to Text item giving details of invasion.
Daily quests for Xrag Retina modified.
Son of Xrag quest has been changed to Commander Zilganesh. New text with new objective.
Quests rewarding Masonic Degree changed for balancing of gear progression.
New NPCS added protecting Commander Zilganesh named Withered Sentinel.
Commander thud changed to Captain Thud.
Overlord xrag model changed to http://www.wowhead.com/npc=47385/decrepit-watcher due to change in quests.
Overlord Xrag named changed to High Chieftain Nyx and model change
Created three new npcs for a quest, including High Chieftain Nyx.
Created a new npc for new quests named Pariah of Nemesis.
Pariah of Xrag no longer drop Xrag Retina.
Uldum now has Pariah of Nemesis roaming for quests.
Withered Sentinel are now part of dailies.
Rework of Deathfist questing zones.
35 deathfists and 25 deathfist mystic kill counts have been lowered.
Added Khan and Korol Deathfist to Deathfist quests.

In the Works:
Fully Featured Custom T-Mog mall.
- Trade Masonic Degrees for NPC Weapons, Legendaries and Generally non Transmogable gear.
- Full Season 1 - 10 T-mog
- Full Teir 1 - 8 T-mog
- Revised Professions Mall.
- Testing instant professions trainer.


Seems like a very nice staff team, you seems to be very interested and dedicated towards this project, that's great to see. Hopefully it won't be another project that'll close, I really hope the best for you and your server!