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If you are having random crashes with the MoP VIP (Bots repack) please read this thread, it might help you!


Veteran Member
So I've been doing a lot of testing because i was having up to 15 crashes a day on my server, and I think Ive pinned down the cause. I was having random lag and crashes and so I disabled a few things. First I disabled the AH bot, that stopped the lag. And to stop the crashes I disabled KILL EXP. What I think is going on, is the bots are leveling and when they level and search for new spells (unconfirmed) its causing a world-server crash. Well when you have bots running around killing things, they might be in elwynn while youre in durotar and if they level the server will crash. This doesn't happen all the time, but it happens frequently enough to be extremely frustrating.

Point simply: I went from having roughly 15 crashes per day if not more, to ZERO in a week plus. Simply by turning off kill exp.

I amped up quest EXP to 7x and it seems pretty good. Yeah it sucks to run an instance with bots and not get kill exp but it is what it is until they find a solution to this.
You can still do instance quests and get gear, and can do quests in the world with bots in your group if you want, but if you enable kill exp with bots enabled, and have crashes - its likely because of that.

I hope I helped someone and if so good luck to everyone. If it did help you, please let the forum know because this might be an issue they need to look at.