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Icecrown Citadel Sindragosa Always Evades


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  • [Location, Faction, Race] Icecrown Citadel, Alliance, Draenei Paladin
  • [Name, Type] Sindragosa, Boss Scripting
  • [Problem Description] After Sindragosa flies to the platform and becomes attackable, she will continue to evade (reset) when attacked and become stuck in a never ending loot and saying her activation line and immediately resetting. This prevents the fight from being attempted in any way and prevents her from being killed unless the player can simply one-shot her, which is likely impossible with standard Cataclysm numbers, or uses GM commands.
  • [How it should work] When Sindragosa is attacked, she should say her activation line once and engage in combat with the player or players. She should only evade and reset in the event of a party wipe, and possibly if she is pulled too far from her spawn point as well, but should never evade immediately upon being attacked.