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Icecrown Citadel Lich King Intro Resets


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  • [Location, Faction, Race] Icecrown Citadel, Alliance, Draenei Paladin
  • [Name, Type] The Lich King, Boss Scripting
  • [Problem Description] Currently the Lich King encounter in Icecrown Citadel is inaccessible entirely, due to other bugs within the raid, however if his throne is successfully reached with some GM commands, the fight can be initiated through Tirion as usual. The scene will behave mostly as it should until Tirion is frozen, after which Tirion and the Lich King will both reset entirely. This makes the fight impossible to initiate and complete. I believe this may be because Tirion is being essentially removed from combat when frozen, which is causing him to reset, and as he is a part of the encounter, this is causing the entire encounter to reset.
  • [How it should work] After Tirion is frozen, he should remain that way and the Lich King should attack the players, causing the rest of the fight to play out. He should only reset if the party is defeated, and should otherwise remain frozen in place until the Lich King's health is reduced low enough to reach the final phase in which he breaks free.