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ICC Freeze error (V13.1)


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Veteran Member
Everything works correctly even when we enter the ships, both ships disappear and with this the server freezes or closes:
with this when the ship disappears the characters remain floating without doing anything:

Here are the photos of the second ship (because the first one drops you off the server when it closes or freezes) and the photos that appear on the server (the characters cannot move even though they are flying):

when going back to the first ship only this appears:

the rest of the bosses cannot testify without correcting this great problem.

These are very important bugs that you have to try to fix, like this one:
Well, they are very important for a good gaming experience.

I report the problems, so they know they exist and in future updates try to make them work.
I use google translator, and my comment can be misinterpreted, but I have no other purpose than to help, greetings.

10/10 in importance! along with others that I add (from now on 10/10 means that the importance is maximum).
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