- 261
- 2015
- 4
- Location
- The mountains, WV, USA
1 thing in official that ALWAYS bugged me a lot. A [Night Elf] can be a druid while his illegitamate cousin horde counterpart the [Blood Elf] cannot. Not meaning offense, but most druids on the horde side are sorta butt-ugly? ROFL!
Seriously though. Why limit a build to certain classes? And this is but 1 example. I have created/used entirely different classes/races on other games such a skyrim, fallout 3/4, etc using mods. So why should Warcraft bind it's bloomers so tightly on characters?
Is there a way (not requiring a 1k IQ, or a computer science degree) for us lower on the evolution scale, layman server dabblers to do this? At the very least a way to modify existing classes, or maybe even possibly create different races, maybe even classes of characters? A link to a simplified how-to, or a video, or anything steering me right would be appreciated greatly.
I want Blizzlike gameplay for the most part, but would like to broaden the choices you can play the game with. I see no reason for the limitations on character creation. 
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