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Hyjal summit (v13.1)


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Veteran Member
Location: Kalimdor. Zone: Caverns of Time. Faction: Alliance. Race: Human. Male gender.
Name: La Cima Hyjal. Type: Raid ( https://www.wowhead.com/hyjal-summit )
Problem: After finishing the third match, defeating "kazrogal" ( https://www.wowhead.com/npc=17888/kazrogal ), "Thrall" ( https://www.wowhead.com/npc=17852/thrall ), it tells us that the waves continue, we click on it to start it and start the waves, but wave 1-8 is only reset and does not allow the fourth meeting to pass.
How it should work: Waves must end from 1 to 8 in order to activate the fourth encounter and defeat "azgalor" ( https://www.wowhead.com/npc=17842/azgalor ).
Demonstration video: I did not find the start of the waves for the fourth meeting to begin:
Importance 7/10