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Human Starting Zone Bug


Verified Member
2 Bugs that might be caused by the same issue

Elwynn Forest , Alliance, Human
Extinguishing Hope , Quest - Quest ID 26391
Was not offered this quest -
Milly Osworth - Should be offering the quest https://wow.gamepedia.com/Milly_Osworth

Elwynn Forest , Alliance, Human
Ending the Invasion!, Quest - Quest ID 26390
Quest Says You Don't meet the requirements for the quest
This is a two for one deal . I forced the Extinguishing Hope to be added to my quests. Once added , the fire extinguisher was added and the quest went fine. Once I turned in the Extinguishing Hope quest. This one was added with no issues.

So it would seem that this quest should only be offered when Extinguishing Hope and Blackrock Invasion are both completed. Fixing this issue would let the quest lines progress.