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How to create one realmlist. but host multiple expansions


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Veteran Member
Hi all.

i'm really confused and exhasuted all of my options, so i thought i would create a post about it.

Basically what i'm trying to achieve is to have 1 realmlist "logon.example.com" and run it all off 1 Auth Server.
now say i wanted to host Wotlk, Cata and Mop. when i add each realm to Auth->realmlist. ID - 1, ID -2, ID - 3. even enter all game builds.

now i get stuck with whenever i open Cata client, it shows the other realms are offline even though they are online. example: Name (3.3.5) Offline, Name (5.4.8) Offline. and Cata (4.3.4) online
is there a way where i can just have it to show only 1 realm. for each of the actual Expansion.
If i ran the Cata Client, it should only show the cata server, same with wotlk and mop. but its showing all realms for each game. which is odd

I run windows server 2016 - Datacenter.
any help with having an auth server that works for all expansions. and any help would greatly be appreciated.


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Senior User
The only way is to have multiple auth databases/characters/world
And also, you need to change the ports on the auth and worldserver config
Like this

# RealmServerPort
# Description: TCP port to reach the auth server.
# Default: 3724

RealmServerPort = 3724 to 3725

Also, you have to have in mind that you also have to change the realmlist to
if not, it won't be able to connect


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
I think you may have misunderstood what i'm trying to achieve.
I'm trying to achieve to have Wotlk, Cata, Mop run off just a single auth.
many private server have only just a single realmlist "logon.example.com" and i'm trying to achieve the same, i don't wish to add port numbers on the end of my realmlist.

my setup is as follows.
Auth - Port 3724
wotlk - Port 8085
cata - 8086
mop - 8087

i've got all the games in the realmlist
ID 1 - wotlk
ID 2 - cata
ID 3 - mop

i'm mainly wanting to have everything on one auth, simply because of using a CMS to handle the registrations and logins.

if i ran an seperate auth servers, i would be left with having to use "logon.example.com: port" as the realmlist. and that isn't what i'm wanting
i just want 1 Auth only to run all 3 expansions.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
I think you may have misunderstood what i'm trying to achieve.
I'm trying to achieve to have Wotlk, Cata, Mop run off just a single auth.
many private server have only just a single realmlist "logon.example.com" and i'm trying to achieve the same, i don't wish to add port numbers on the end of my realmlist.

my setup is as follows.
Auth - Port 3724
wotlk - Port 8085
cata - 8086
mop - 8087

i've got all the games in the realmlist
ID 1 - wotlk
ID 2 - cata
ID 3 - mop

i'm mainly wanting to have everything on one auth, simply because of using a CMS to handle the registrations and logins.

if i ran an seperate auth servers, i would be left with having to use "logon.example.com: port" as the realmlist. and that isn't what i'm wanting
i just want 1 Auth only to run all 3 expansions.

I don't think that is possible, as the auth structure is diferent for each expansion, they send in different packets to the core.
Unless you have someone who can code for you, and code the auth exaclty the same for every exp



It is possible (multiple of servers do it), but you need to do the following (bare with me if it's not fully detailed, it's been a while since I've messed with it, so I can't fully remember in head)

1) Database structure must be equal on the expansions - this means that it must use the same table and logic. Eventually you'll need to change some database structure in core for X expansion to match properly. (Eg if one runs RBAC system - (this is a command system), and one of the expansions does not (Eg. Emucoach repack doesn't) then you're already in a bad state)
2) The authserver.exe must in core have the game build version declared (this is however easy but requires core access)

At least that's what I recall. I hope it clarified at least :)