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How to Advertise a WoW Server -- Get Players - Population - Playerbase


You may struggle with the playerbase? You want to increase your population, and get more players/website traffic, but you are unsure how? If so, this tutorial may be interesting for you.

Advertising plays such a huge role, and you really need to get the word of your server out there.

As of a start, I'd recommend you to make sure you have listed your server on forums which are niched as wow private servers / emulation. As example, emucoach would be a good start, along with many others.
You can advertise your server on emucoach @t - http://www.emucoach.com/forumdisplay.php?30-Private-Server-Advertising

While this does not only get the server out there and possibly more players, it also gives you backlinks to your website, which means you will have a better ranking in google (SEO), which results in more people finding your server and possibly more players. I think you get the logic between it - Advertise it as much as you can.
- Make sure that your advertisement thread is attractive so it makes possibly players want to play on YOUR server.

Voting Sites)

Another way to get the server out there, is by registering you on voting - topsites such as "Xtremetop100", "top100arena" along with many others. This will also ensure more to notice your server, and it ALSO gives you backlinks and better ranking on google.
As I said, there are a ton of topsites out there, it's just about getting started! Make sure you add the trustworthy ones to your vote panel.
You'd be good starting off with registering yourself to xtremetop100.com which is the most known topsite for wow private servers.
Anyways, enough of that - lets move on;

Social Media)

Social Media is another way to advertise your server. A lot of servers uses it and it's a very popular way of advertising your website/server. I'd recommend using Facebook, Twitter and even Youtube.
It has shown to be very effective to create videos of your server (etc) on youtube, as it makes it attractive for the upcoming player on a new level than just test.
With that said, I'd recommend you to register yourself to all three social media sites.

Paid Advertising)
Yes, paid advertising is also an
opportunity to get your server out there. It's not a requirement to spend money on paid advertising, but I'd be recommended if you want faster process/speed up the playerbase from the regular way.
There are several of ways to spend the money on advertising, but make sure you are clear with what you need, your budget and what it can give you.

You can buy gold member on xtremetop100, you can buy sticky here on EmuCoach / a banner spot. If you wish to participiate with Emucoach, I'm sure we can work out a good deal for us both.
All these kind of things help in a way, to receive more traffic than the regular way.

With that said, I wish you all the best of luck with your server. I hope that you could use this tutorial on how and where to advertise your wow server, increase the playerbase and so on.


[h=2]How to Advertise a WoW Server -- Get Players - Population - Playerbase[/h]
The tutorial has been written & updated.