Just in case you "learn as you go" like me? lol

The world.conf file is in your server files, above the world launcher. You can modify many things here ", server IP address (must change in auth conf, and DB as well for IP change to work), drop rates, experience gain you get in world & guild, world/guild rep gain, energy/mana/rage/rest recharge rates, etc". Just shut off your server til done, and save the changes after finished [to properly shut down] your server start with world conf command window. [click it and hit Ctrl + C] do this in auth and last in the DB command window. It will say Y for yes, or N for no in the DB command window. Type Y and hit Enter button. (recommend making a server backup beforehand, in case you mess up something). Some chages in this folder can change the database to a degree I found out, and simply "dropping" in a copy of the Woldserver.conf before edit won't "always" work.... heh"

You can edit server configuration files with any text editor. I like notepad2. To easily find this setting? open the Worldserver.conf. Click into it and press Ctrl + F. Type SERVER SETTINGS into the search box, and enter. It will go right to it. Make sure you change the actual setting. [Any statement with # in front of it is not a setting, but setting options] The ones with no # Are the actual settings. Hope this helps, and if your already knew all that. I apologize. Not assuming everyone is technically impaired as me? Just trying to be helpful to those who may be. lol Good luck.
# GameType
# Description: Server realm type.
# Default: 0 - (NORMAL)
# 1 - (PVP)
# 4 - (NORMAL)
# 6 - (RP)
# 8 - (RPPVP)
# 16 - (FFA_PVP, Free for all pvp mode like arena PvP in all zones except rest
# activated places and sanctuaries)
GameType = 0