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Hot to pull specific files from UWOW's ULancher


Veteran Member
Not sure if this will be useful to anyone, but it may be similar to other launchers as well (but locations will obviously be different even if the process is similar).

I wanted to pull just the exes from the UWOW Legion client, but this would also be useful for anyone wanting to replace a specific file for their client. (Maybe you need a specific file from the data directory, maybe you want a different language pack, maybe you messed up trying to hack the exe to allow for custom models, etc.)

Anyway, here's the process:

1) Download ULAUNCHER:

Go to http://uwow.biz/ and download their Launcher from the files section: http://uwow.biz/start. They have a Windows and Mac version.

2) Generate the Launcher Files:

For ULauncher, run the launcher once and then close it. It will probably download an update. We do this so it generates it's "running" files.

Now go to the generated torrents. I'm running under WINE in Linux, but the path was: "C:/user/<NAME>/Local Settings/Application Data/uwow.biz"
(Note that this is different from the "C:/user/<NAME>/Application Data" and depending on your version of Windows, your Application Data folder may also be in a different location.)

3) Find the Correct Torrent:

Inside the uwow.biz folder, you should have a "ULauncher" sub-folder. Inside that will be another sub-folder called "torrents". Go into this folder and you will see various .torrent files with what look like MD5 sum hashes. Obviously this doesn't help us know what each torrent has, so open each of them one by one in your preferred torrent.

When you open one of the torrents, you should see the first line naming the client version, such as "WoW_3.3.5_12340_Update_30.06.2017".

If the client is not the one you are looking for, simply close it and open the next one, and so on. (It is worth noting that UWOW seems to have separate torrents for the data files and the executables, but your mileage may vary.)

Once you find the correct torrent, you should be able to expand the "heading" into sub-lists (if they have not already been expanded). Eachitem should have a checkbox next to it. Simply uncheck everything that you do not want and leave only that which you do want checked.

Now download the torrent and you should only get the files selected/needed and not the entire torrent.


Hope this helps someone and sorry for the non-existent formatting...